Limerick Poems About Turtle | Turtle Limerick Poems
Poem Details | by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: candy, drink, love, sky, stars, uplifting, words,

Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day is a day for love
do you want to be my turtle dove
are you as sweet as candy
here is a glass of brandy
let's go out and watch the stars above

Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other turtle Poems."

Poem Details | by Robert L. Hinshaw |
Categories: animals, funny

A Bad Hare Day

Aesop writes about an unlikely pair

     A race betwixt a turtle and a hare

          While the hare fiddled around

               The wily turtle gained ground

                    Resulting in the hare losing the dare

Robert LHinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
© All Rights Reserved

Poem Details | by T Wignesan |
Categories: race,

Limerick: Once Lucy Met Heidelberg Man

Limerick: Once Lucy met Heidelberg Man

   for Nelson Mandela

Once Lucy met Heidelberg Man
Then Neanderthal and Peking Man
Tortoise said to the Turtle:
“Where’s your doggone girdle!”
“What a disgrace to my race,” said Bushman!

© TWignesan – Paris, 2013

Poem Details | by Jessica Amanda Salmonson |
Categories: animal, environment, nature, pain, rude, sad, water,

The Sad Story of Myrtle

There once was a turtle named Myrtle
Stuck in a plastic ring girdle
It altered her mass
Into an hourglass
Leaving her deformed and infertile.

Poem Details | by James Marshall Goff |
Categories: nature

Pond Across the Road

Pond Across The Road

How brazen the turtle called painted!
His friends watched in horror! then feinted!
Zag that way! Zig here!
Missed the truck that hauls beer!
A miracle! they called him! then sainted!

Poem Details | by Craig Munn |
Categories: animal,

The Turtle

I was fishing for trout
when a turtle came about,
He grabbed the worm from the hook,
Ddnt even take a second look.
I cussed at him you fool id shout.

Poem Details | by Terry Ireland |
Categories: fun, light, nonsense,

All In the Cause of Rhyme

They all said it was absurd
To go and invent a word 
I do it all the time
In cause of a rhyme
And now my secret is shared.

There was a Mock Turtle called Myrtle
Who once fell off a cliff and got hurtle
She said it was hell
With a cracked shell
‘Cos the water leaked in with a spurtle.

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: pollution,

Epa Rollback

A turtle in a dirty pond
Was picked up by a dirty blonde
Trump said that the water
Was gonna get hotter
Unless she squirts his magic wand

Poem Details | by Quintin Reda |
Categories: 12th grade,


Across a roadside that's fertile
Came this reptile and a hurdle
As he hid in his shell
A nice driver did yell
Just cross the road little turtle

Poem Details | by Melani Udaeta |
Categories: emotions, feelings, humor,

The Turtle and the Hare

Moving at the pace  of a turtle
pick up the pace there is no hurdle!
Kindly move over
can't go any slower;
If I hop past you don't startle.

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: surreal,


Found out I was colorblind, it came right out of the purple Maybe a bit off color, that's a color of a different turtle How weird is this cat Something's got detached In the dictionary the definition of me says fertile!

Poem Details | by James Horn |
Categories: allegory, analogy,

Fertile Turtle On Beach Named Myrtle

Fertile Turtle On Beach Named Myrtle

We finally found out she had been fertile;
And marooned on a beach named Myrtle;
Her spoil;
A big boil;
Each egg did turn out to be  a tiny turtle.

Jim Horn

Poem Details | by Rajat Kanti Chakrabarty |
Categories: cat, fish, fun, funny, humor, nonsense,

A Cat and a Turtle

A cat and a turtle, a pair
Found love in the warm summer air.
But it's not evolution,
Just a fanciful solution,
For a fish to be born, that's quite rare!

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: fun,

Hunk'A Hunk'A

Hunk'a hunk'a burning love The hunkiest love all else above Got help from Mo My friend from Big'O' Also help from those loving turtle doves

Poem Details | by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: fairy,

The Drunken Faerie

What kind of faerie is it? She asked
Pretty one turtle said as he basked.
We watched her awhile.
She had a great smile.
Drunk one, one said, as she replenished her flask.