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Limerick Poems About Spiritual
Poem Details | by
Funom Makama |
christian, god, gospel, jesus, life, spiritual, spoken word,
My divine manual and life prospectus is the Bible
my ways, a beautiful mirror sparkling like clean Marble
falsehood can’t colour my teeth
Jesus Christ is not a myth
the hope of eternal life, a conviction, not a gamble.
Poem Details | by
Warner Baxter |
city, funny, humorous, nonsense, silly, travel,
There once was a man from Rome
who's head was shinny like chrome
gave the world spiritual hope
was given the title of Pope
now he wears a hat like that of a gnome
Poem Details | by
Sandy Tadros |
beauty, conflict, confusion, creation, imagery, spiritual, world,
The Galaxy; This cluster of stars
The sea; This concealed beauty and scars,
The inevitable suffering, the desired alleviation
All these could be seen through her eyes' nation!
She was a beautiful chaos, more beautiful than Mars.
Poem Details | by
Poet. Undertaker |
Once there was a man called Anthony "truth portal"
Quoted a verse from the "HOLY BHAGAVAT GITA"
"Man is made by his belief.
As he believes, so he is."
bloody spiritual realm is the "truth portal"!
Poem Details | by
Funom Makama |
christian, god, spiritual,
The saints are prosperous and you know why
they torment your kingdom, you aren’t shy
condemned by everlasting rickets
hidden by all kinds of false jackets
smoke all the weed, you can’t be the most high.
Poem Details | by
Rico Leffanta |
culture, drink, environment, halloween, memorial, spiritual, wine,
In Winnegan, on the Moselle
There's a story townsfolk will tell:
A witch came to dine
She savoured the wine
And cast a prosperity spell!
Poem Details | by
Gerald Dillenbeck |
allegory, caregiving, nature, spiritual,
There once was a prince who was green
the greenest prince frog far cousins had seen,
yet to others his green behaved too much prince
but which creatures saw which
did not matter since
this frog prince thought One
without Other
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
Sure hope I get by the censors with this one
Did you hear about the sweetie who fell on her bum
Some guys grabbed her private places
Helped her up, grins on their faces
What glorious heroes these kind men did become
Poem Details | by
Jeremy Henderson |
temptation is only the bait
what follows is much worse in fate
you just take a bite
then no need to fight
you're stuck in the spiritual gate
Poem Details | by
Funom Makama |
christian, god, jesus, spiritual, spoken word,
Satisfies His household even much more
granting His children’s desires for sure
Jesus is the barret
beyond any laureate
His hands will cover those who stay inshore.
Poem Details | by
Caren Krutsinger |
Prehistoric people built Stonehenge
The rumors about this never end.
Predicting the moon
Sun or monsoon
Spiritual place on a road with a bend
Poem Details | by
Jacqueline R. Mendoza |
christian, devotion, faith, god, jesus, people, spiritual,
God calls each one by name
Everyone’s name is sacred
The name is the icon of the person
It demands respect
As a sign of the one who bears it
Written: 6252018
Poetry Form: Limerick
Copyright © Jacqueline RMendoza
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
Man to doctor: I poop every morning at 8:00 A.M.
Problem is, I don't wake up until 9:00 A.M.
Doctor: a messy problem I'd say
Just use lots of flowery spray
And be sure to set your poop alarm for 7:00 A.M
Poem Details | by
Gershon Wolf |
journey, spiritual,
Arnold Crane was obsessed with his journey
He had been a rich Wall Street attorney --
He had peered in his soul
Found tobacco's charcoal --
Came to grips with himself on a gurney
Poem Details | by
Linda Alice Fowler |
animal, emotions, feelings, scary, spiritual,
I grabbed the ass in the manger,
risking spiritual anger
the ass hee’d and haw’d
I screamed “Oh my Lawd!”
my ass, not his, was in danger!
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
Sharing is the greatest gift we all possess
The smiling faces on peeps is a joy to assess
Lifts our spirits high above
O'er the country like a dove
Soaring beside us, our spirits coalesce
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
The night sky leaves us awe-inspired
Tiny dots of light drawing our eyes skyward
A glorious sight
Magical in the night
A glittering spectacle of millions of tiny diamonds
Poem Details | by
Lisle Ryder |
bible, gospel, jesus, religious, spiritual, truth,
“Although I am leaving, God will provide
the Spirit of truth to come as your guide
revealing my glory
as you tell my story,
the Encourager there right by your side.”
John 16.5-15
Poem Details | by
Lise Clendening |
sin, spiritual,
The world, like the sink, is broken.
Our spirits find ways, unspoken.
Washing away our sins,
Saving all souls within,
Eyes opened, and finally awoken.
Poem Details | by
Selena Jackson |
animal, humor, poems, poetry, silly, spiritual,
There was a young wolf from Japan.
Who got hit by a pan.
Who wanted to jump.
She got caught by a tree and fell down with a bump.
I think she needs to wear a protective hat