Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
car, for her, humorous,
Andrea was late - drove at the speed of light
Traffic cops chased her - she got such a fright
The cop got out his book
Gave her a stern look
She’s off to traffic school so she now gets it right
Posted with full permission of Andrea (speedy) Dietrich
2nd April 2015
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school Poems."
Poem Details | by
Cheryl Hoffman |
childhood, food, humor,
Waking up for school was hard enough,
still half asleep not ready for the bus,
breakfast on the dot,
snap, crackle and pop,
noisy Rice Krispy's helping us wake up.
Poem Details | by
Rico Leffanta |
A student without Double-Ds
Was always quite eager to please
Though lacking a bust
She was filled with lust
And boys knew she was The B's Knees
Why are bra sizes the opposite
of school grades?
Poem Details | by
Chris Matt |
school, sports
Under the lights on Friday night.
High school football starting to ignite.
Merciless to everyone.
This is war, not for fun.
Winning state is a beautiful sight.
Poem Details | by
Richard Breese |
abuse, bullying, funny, giggle, high school, humor, humorous,
there was a teacher from crete
whose foot size was quite petite
well students did plot
and to school they brought
some shoes for oversized feet.
Poem Details | by
Bartholomew Williams |
books, education, funny, humorous, life, relationship, school,
A lazy student known as Burt,
To parents and teachers was curt.
With little knowledge,
Flunked out of college;
Played stock market and lost his shirt!
Poem Details | by
Sandra Haight |
education, life, school, wisdom,
We all went to school in the past-
Remember what we learned when asked.
Yet, Einstein's reply
Kiss knowledge goodbye
We're smarter with skills we've amassed!
Poem Details | by
Merwin Rylaarsdam |
school, weather,
It’s true! I heard it myself!
No academic learning tomorrow!
The roads are too icy,
and travel is dicey
try to contain all your sorrow.
Poem Details | by
Cecil Hickman |
introspection, life, satire, school, social
I am a Virgo, on cusp of Libra.
My heart and mind stays in a penumbra.
My first words were these, so told.
“Me do it me self”, so bold.
I was strange in school, I loved algebra
Poem Details | by
James Study |
humorous, sports,
Basketball tip off at grade school game
My biggest lifetime shot at fame
Got the ball and took off
Heard the yells from aloft
Wrong way I went but good my aim
Poem Details | by
Duke Beaufort |
funny, humorous, parody, school,
Accepted to medical school
Too old but in the entrance pool
Where is the back door?
There's my dorm with a drawer
Since I’m a cadaver quite cool
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
humorous, school, teenage, work,
Sometimes my work is the pits -
Teenagers popping their zits
With consummate art
They burp and they fart …
I still love my job to bits!
17th November 2015
Poem Details | by
Joshua Lacey |
Going to school is so much fun
But can't wait until homework is done!
For every class hope for an "A"
And on the honor roll: Hip-hip-hooray!
In the game of life I can say I've won!
Poem Details | by
Faleshia Murphy |
My little one is going to school
The joy on his face and mine is so cool
His first day is monday
I hope he will be okay
While I'm at home acting a fool
Poem Details | by
Gen Cacho |
beauty, girl,
i have this friend back in high school
she was known to be one of the most beautiful
people didn't notice it's just her make-up
and when a sudden rain came and wash her face up
poor creature, she was laughed by all
Poem Details | by
James Tate |
When laughter was heard in the hall,
The principle thought it was gall.
When down fell his britches,
The class burst in stitches.
The principle burst through the wall.
Refer to Twain's statement: The human race has but one really affective weapon, and that is laughter.
Poem Details | by
Drjim Martin |
The Hooky, Cookie, Rookie
DrJames EMartin
©January, 2014
They say his nick-name is “Cookie.”
From school he’d often play hooky.
He was no fool,
Was actually quite cool,
It is evident he was no rookie.
Poem Details | by
Rhea Daniel Dear |
The story of school starting is here
It began with a bell and a cheer
Bob brought a talking chicken
My, my, what the sickens
Harridan Teacher silenced them with fear
Poem Details | by
Duke Beaufort |
satire, school,
School work leads to thrilling careers
Say hooray hip hip--give three cheers!
A student's new skill
Brings success just until
The bill for the loan's in arrears!
Poem Details | by
Earl Schumacker |
crazy, education, fun, society,
Gun Control
There once was a boy called Bum
Who shaped his finger in school like a gun
They told him he failed
Threw him in jail
His education is over and done
Poem Details | by
Nitesh Aggarwal |
childhood, education, funny, teen,
There once was a boy, named Abdul;
Went to get a job, fresh out of school
All dressed up like July,
With a bow and a tie;
But left his fly open, what a fool!
Poem Details | by
Faleshia Murphy |
funnyhome, home,
Well here we are the last day of school
Let's hit the beach the park and even the pool
The kids are home for the summer
As I start to think I begin to wonder
They going to be home with me hey that's not cool
Poem Details | by
Audrey Haick |
Once long ago on a school visit to the zoo
My little one had just begun elementary school
High up on a tree branch sat a lonely owl
With his huge eyes shut, he could pass for any old fowl
Suddenly, he opened them and questioned, “Who? Who?”
Poem Details | by
T Wignesan |
Once a School-girl who didn’t like babies
Once a School-girl who didn’t like babies
Thought it’d be better than having scabies
So she engaged a Boor
To bore through the stuck door:
That’s how she got both babies and scabies.
© TWignesan – Paris, 2013
Poem Details | by
William Robinson |
children, funny, people,
There's a fellow named Robert O'Toole.
He's the principal down at the school.
He cut classes today,
So the gossips all say.
Went fishing for bass in the car pool.