Limerick Poems About Sad | Sad Limerick Poems
Poem Details | by Nandita Das |
Categories: funny, math, nonsense,

Just Doesn'T Add Up

Pythagoras once fell off a ladder
And landed on a venomous adder
This adder couldn't add
Calculus made it sad
Algebra and theorems made it madder.

Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other sad Poems."

Poem Details | by Kelly Deschler |
Categories: death, friend, heartbroken, lonely, loss, remember, sad,

Broken Hearted - Jtap

Our friendship here had only just started
then you left me alone, broken hearted
you're gone but not forgotten
now life it seems so rotten
ever since the sad day you departed.

We miss you, Chan :)

This was my sadder take on the "poet who broke my heart" contest theme.

Poem Details | by Sidney Hall Mad Poet |
Categories: friendship, sad

P.D. Bye

There’s a peach of a girl named P.D.
Who is a friend of both you and me
She’s gone away
I already miss her today
Her kind words and Queen Slam poetry

*If you find another sad limerick let me know*

Poem Details | by Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen |
Categories: funny, happiness, health, life, loss

Slams Destroyed Her Head

Slams Destroyed Her Head

She was slammed by slam poetry, boo hoo!
Some folks wondered about the hullabaloo.
When bombarded with dread,
Sad thoughts destroyed her head.
Now, she thinks she’s a blithering cuckoo!

© July 17, 2010
Dane Smith-Johnsen

Poem Details | by Paige Kostyniuk |
Categories: autumn, fun, funny, halloween, holiday, humor, october,

Vlad the Vampire

There was a vampire named Vlad7
The Village all thought he was bad7
But the true story5
Just wasn't gory5
It turns out Vlad was just sad7

October 232019

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: philosophy,


There's a gal known as Karma; she'll charm ya,

and folks, I don't want to alarm ya,

but do somebody wrong,

and you'll sing a sad song

'cause she'll hunt ya down; then she'll harm ya!

April 29, 2018

Poem Details | by Tania Kitchin |
Categories: appreciation, fun, humor,

Jan's Are the Best

Funny limericks are a welcomed treat
They're comic relief that can't be beat
Jan's limericks are the best
Never dull, I will attest
Reading them makes my sad, sour days more sweet

Poem Details | by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade,

I Won'T Try Again I Quit

I’m done I say, I’m mad and sad.
The ones that won were rather bad
I won’t try again
Sponsor rigged the win
I always knew he was a cad

Written 5-28-2021
Contest: Limerick 
Theme: Quitters Never Win Poetry Contests
Sponsor: Margarita Lillico

Poem Details | by Shirley Hawkins |
Categories: 10th grade,

A Place In the Sun

Sunflower has a smiling face,
When planted in a sunny place,
Those planted in the shade
Soon look miserable and fade
Sad because they are misplaced.

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: beautiful, sad,

Survival of the Fittest

Watched a nature program about Africa last night And the animals that roam free what a glorious sight Survival of the fittest Can make us grimace As the prey succumbs in a fight for their life Hard to watch!!! © Jack Ellison 2015

Poem Details | by Justin Time |
Categories: death, life, pain, sad, sorrow, suicide,

Death Is Good

Oh give me a rope
With a noose that is loose 
And i'll tie it up on a beam

Then give me a pill
That will give me a thrill 
And i'll end it all on a high

Death Death is the way 
For life is to sucky to play

So give me a gun
That is loaded for fun
And i'll blow my brains far away.

Poem Details | by Barbara Gorelick |
Categories: funny

A Guy and His Pig

Poor Bob was a kind of a dork He kept eating soup with a fork We wasn't to bright Sad was his plight When he took his pig to New York

Poem Details | by Amy Green |
Categories: sad

Manto Blame

In the beginning, when man became-
Murder and death seemed a fun game.
This was not what God meant
When giving us consent-
To our own choice, only man is to blame.

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: body, humorous, political,

Scooping the Poop

Constipated senator Ron Thump Got frustrated whilst taking a dump Eww what a sad minger He used his forefinger … and extracted it all in a lump! 9TH June 2016

Poem Details | by Liz Labadie-Reilly |
Categories: seasons,

February Funnybone -Limerick

February arrives and it's glad
makes the other months look kinda sad
hearts and love it stands for
romance, flowers what’s more
for only twenty nine days that's not bad.


Poem Details | by Jean Murray |
Categories: animal, retirement, sad love,

Retired Ram

There once was a ram who retired,
who really was terribly tired.
Having serviced the lot,
he should have have been shot.
But the gun thankfully backfired.

Poem Details | by Donald J Bennett |
Categories: fantasy, funny, old,

A Sad Old Flea

A sad old flea and a silly old gnat
were boogieing it down
on the neck of an aristocrat
When suddenly Splat
they're flat
And that was that

Poem Details | by Richard Breese |
Categories: age, autumn, emotions, october, thanksgiving, tree,


opaque wings fairy sound

swirled colors gather round

glide without care

past a sad stare

final rest on the ground.

Poem Details | by Ralph Taylor |
Categories: funny,

Spinster Sue

A shy, young spinster, named Sue,

felt sad, cause her lovers were few!

        So, she walked out the door,

        wearing a fig-leaf - no more!

Now, she's in bed.with the flu!

Poem Details | by Tim Smith |
Categories: nonsense,

Jack's Harem

Day one without our lim'rick dad
It's cloudy and I feel quite sad
I sneak in his room
Try on his perfume
and call his harem to come to his pad

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: life,

Good, Bad, Happy Or Sad

To the depth of my soul, I'm in love with life Whether filled with joy or occasional strife The good, the bad Happy or sad Too bad we don't get to go around twice

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: animal, chocolate, easter, humorous,

Poor Easter Bunny

I once met a sad Easter bunny He cried as his choc eggs were runny I said hop on your feet And get out of this heat Try Iceland, I hear it’s not sunny! 04~10~17

Poem Details | by Charles Henderson |
Categories: on writing and words,

Why I Don'T Like Slam

Excuse me please, pardon me, thank you ma’am.
Hold the door, turn the cheek, that’s who I am.
Facetiousness, so sad,
By any name is bad.
Hateful pretense is why I’m against slam.

Jul 17 2010 For Dane's "anti slam" contest

Poem Details | by Andrew Crisci |
Categories: anniversary, health, history, sad,

Ah, If Columbus

Ah, If Columbus had not sailed
for America: the new land,
cigarettes wouldn't kill
those feeling the chill...
many would be alive, not dead!

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: drink, humorous, sad,

Nissed As a Pewt

Ted got nissed as a pewt last night Tried walking, his legs were not right He stumbled and fell Woke up in a cell … He’ll be back in the pub tonight! Submitted to Any poem not for a contest sponsored by Broken Wings 27th February 2016