Limerick Poems About Romance | Romantic Limerick Poems
Poem Details | by Bill Baker |
Categories: friend, funny, heart, love, relationship, romance, romantic love,

Looking For Love

looking for love, in all the wrong places
don’t just look at all the pretty faces
look at their heart, make sure they’re real
sometimes a friend is the best deal
quit trying so hard to round the bases

Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other romantic Poems."

Poem Details | by Winged Warrior |
Categories: christmas, parents, romantic,

Seducing Santa

I saw mom and Santa having a chat She told him he was much too fat She then grabbed his behind With eyes closed kissed him blind Then they both fell on the mat Nov.17.2019 Holiday Themed Limerick Sponsored by: Tania Kitchin N/A for contest

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: love,

Romeo Potential

A lady once called me a romantic devil In these sweet loving words, I forever will revel My poems are comedy driven My tender side is usually hidden Stay tuned my friends, I have Romeo potential

Poem Details | by Bill Baker |
Categories: adventure, boy, crush, girl, humor, romantic, youth,

Harley Date

He showed up dressed in black leather
Dates aren’t meant to last forever
It wasn’t just fun  
He was on the run
A hostage date was --quite clever

Poem Details | by Aiyah Torres |
Categories: romantic, suicide,

The Vampire's Snack

This handsome guy who'd like to suck.
                     Had found  a lady for snack
                          So beautiful and hot,
                           He gave her a shot.
             Suck her blood, AIDS virus attacked.

Poem Details | by Funom Makama |
Categories: life, romantic, sexy,

Adam and Eve

Exploding hunger rubs thirsty and sticky skins like clay
resistance to give morality a chance under slay
opposite energies pump
a stronger motor on top rump
unlimited liberty expressed with no rules in this play.

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: humorous,

Like An Old Buccaneer

Well how do you do, my name is Lou I'm a normal old chap except for my do Hair down to here Like an old buccaneer A romantic old buggar and quite naughty too © Jack Ellison 2015

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: humor,

Romeo Potential

A lady once called me a romantic devil In these sweet loving words, I forever will revel Usually my poems are comedy driven My soft tender side is usually hidden Stay tuned my friends, I have Romeo potential © Jack Ellison 2015

Poem Details | by John Williams |
Categories: funny, humorous,

Dangers of Pensioner Dating

A seventy year old couple on a romantic date,
Were at a bistro eating seafood crepe,
Feeling so good, a kiss they sought,
Locking mouths their false teeth got caught,
And both sets fell onto the plate.

Poem Details | by Funom Makama |
Categories: love, lust, romance, romantic, senses, sensual, sexy,

Come To My Bed

Patronizing her inner streets with cool lust-hawking
she’s compromising flaunted standards with kiss-talking
gentle but impolite
a sweetening soft fight
started like a hard script ending in sweet love making.

Poem Details | by Darius Garcia |
Categories: humorous, romantic,

This Girl From Mexico City

i met a sweet girl from mexico city
if she don't like me, oh well what a pitty
i'll just roll my face on the grass
oh boy did i fell for her ass
man, why can't i write something witty?

Poem Details | by George Aul |
Categories: heartbroken, romantic,


So you say someone broke your heart,
you fell in love right from the start,
you're alone - but don't fear,
I'll wipe that lonely tear...
for taking over is my art.

Poem Details | by Carla Jones |
Categories: romantic,


your eyes are like the sekashin sea,
why wont you stand by side with me.
your eyes are as pure as snow,
so why do you have to go.

Poem Details | by John Lawless |
Categories: humor, romantic,

She's Wet - Viii Continuation


At times I wonder why I miss her
and the times I use to kiss her
her dentures were always set
but her pants were always wet
I must admit she was a pisser

John GLawless

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: friendship,

Romancer Number One

Move over young Tim, here I come Going to challenge your title, you better run My romantic side Is gonna whip your hide Your days are numbered as Romancer Number One © Jack Ellison 2015

Poem Details | by Funom Makama |
Categories: beautiful, fantasy, girlfriend, i love you, imagery, love, romantic,

My Dream Girl

Held by an angel like a tender tool
rubs gently on my skin like a soft wool
she’s just her own type
her smile now my skype
as I blindly enjoy being a big fool.

Poem Details | by Eve Roper |
Categories: creation,

Pandemic Manic Depression

Lovely Jen a poetic romantic
A mask she hated with the pandemic
Rhinestone, pearls, a smiley face
She decorated the lace
Her boyfriend though she was kind of manic.


A Funny Limerick - Any Theme Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Tania Kitchin

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: flower,


Tulips have a very romantic connotation One lip is fine but the second is for conversation Well there's certainly another No, not kissing your mother Mean smooching and grabbing causes elation

Poem Details | by Mark Elam |
Categories: sexy,

Time For Dessert

At the end of a romantic meal
A sweet glimpse of your breasts I will steal
Bathing soft candlelight
Spicy curves now in sight
Then a rhythmic embrace so surreal

For Sexy poetry contest

Poem Details | by Pat Adams |
Categories: confusion, humor, husband, wife,

A Romantic Endeavor

His alarm failed, so no time to be pedantic 
He still tried in his haste to be romantic
He had to hurry he was late
And in such an absent state
He slammed his wife and kissed the door, when frantic!

Poem Details | by Subimal Sinha-Roy |
Categories: humorous, love,

The Smell of Love

In instant love with this handsome man she fell On romantic date this she wanted to tell He came floating in flair Sat so close on the chair His socks smelled fetid fish, she groaned, what the hell.
August 29, 2018

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: romantic,

Hell's Half Acre

Just a few years left till I meet my maker Hope my reputation hasn't preceded me as a heartbreaker I'm truly a decent soul Quite stunning as a whole But at times I lose it, run wild over hell's half acre

Poem Details | by Krish Radhakrishna |
Categories: love, romance, romantic, roses are red,

A Romantic Day

Bought her a bunch of roses on his way,
he carefully rehearsed what he would say,
She answered door in bikini,
In sheer awe he dropped to his knee,
What a lovely start to their romantic day!

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: fun,

Searching For a Topic

Searching for a topic for my next limerick post Should it be romantic, controversial or a toast To some movie hero Like Robert De Niro Maybe an exposé 'bout a famous Mickey Mouse

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: romantic,

Romeo Potential

A lady once called me a romantic devil In these sweet loving words, I forever will revel Usually, my poems are comedy driven My soft tender side is quite hidden Stay tuned my friends, I have Romeo potential