Limerick Poems About Robin | Robin Limerick Poems
Poem Details | by Geoffrey Brewer |
Categories: humor,

Robin Hood

Robin Hood and merry men took great delights
In protection of the peasants and their rights
But what really gave them pleasure 
And which emphasised their measure
Was cavorting through the forest wearing tights

31 January 2019

Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other robin Poems."

Poem Details | by Jack Clark |
Categories: funny, hilarious, humor, humorous,

Batman and Robin

Batman and Robin were done!
Out cold, on a road, via stun-gun!
-   ‘long came a truck
-   both of them struck
Now it’s just:  “Flatman” and “Ribbon”

Poem Details | by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: confusion, film, funny, humor, humorous, irony, violence,

Batman and Robin


Batman and Robin hit the Joker
But their blow was only a croaker
The Joker hit back
But instead hit Jack
Who said "I'm glad, the Joker's an smoker!

Dorian Petersen Potter
Aka ladydp2000


Poem Details | by Joshua Lacey |
Categories: funny,

Bombs Away

Once was robin-bird
Acted quite absurd
Bombed friend once; did it twice
Gall to even mark her thrice!
Don't care to explain what heard!

Poem Details | by Mike Dailey |
Categories: romance,

Little Robin Redbreast

There once was this redbreasted Robin
Who there on the beach was just sobbin’
That sunburn must hurt
It glowed right through her shirt
The view set my parts just a throbbin’

Poem Details | by Kathy Littrell |
Categories: animals, funny, pets, cat,

Friendship Ended

A young robin my cat once befriended
          Till one day the relationship ended
                  I came home to find
                  That my cat changed her mind
           For from her mouth a feather extended

Poem Details | by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: character, evil, film, funny, hilarious, humor, humorous,

The Joker 1

(Limerick) Batman and Robin sped to their car But the Joker outran them by far Joker got in it But he didn't fit Then yelled" Guess have to throw my guitar!" Dorian Petersen Potter Aka ladydp2000 Copyright@2014 09.16.2014

Poem Details | by T Wignesan |
Categories: humorous, wife,

Limerick: Once a Roundsman Signed a Round Robin

Limerick : Once a Roundsman signed a round robin

Once a Roundsman signed a round robin
To keep his men from a certain inn
Men called to tell his wife :
At inn he danced to fife
So the wife played high fife with the men*.

•	Pronounced as in England : « min ».

© TWignesan – Paris,  2013

Poem Details | by Andrew Crisci |
Categories: abuse, america, change, evil, growth, humanity, judgement, pain, people, poverty, society, truth,

The Need For Robin Hood

Society has lost those who dare;
no wealth to declare,
no voice for the meek!
Let Robin Hood speak, they'll get weak;
they will give the poor man his share!

Poem Details | by Robert L. Hinshaw |
Categories: humorous, song,

Songstress Buelah Wood

There once was a songstress named Buelah Wood

   Who aimed to make it big in Hollywood.

      I once suffered through her show;

         She twanged like Robin Hood's bow!

            Used to wish I could sing - now wished she could!

Robert LHinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired

Poem Details | by Charles Messina |
Categories: humorous,

No Luck With Huck

I once had to hire a fine lawyer 
After, Huck spilled paint in my foyer 
Known the laywer to be good...
Like the folklore; Robin Hood 
Maybe, I should have hired Tom Sawyer  

Limerick II Poetry Contest 
Sponsored by Joseph May 

Poem Details | by John Freeman |
Categories: funny

"wait For Trickles To Spore"

Take from the rich and give to the poor
Our country expects Robin Hood’s implore
  From the top, trickle it down
  Thanks from all of us, the clown
Now we must all wait for trickles to spore

For Contest: Economic Woes Limericks
In Honor of: Carolyn Devonshire
Placed #2

Poem Details | by Rajat Kanti Chakrabarty |
Categories: fun, nonsense,

Gamble Gold

Gamble Gold of the gay green woods
                               Peddling the pack of Robin Hoods
                                          He met little John
                                         At the end of dawn
                            Both played the market of Sher-Hoods

Poem Details | by Shirley Hawkins |
Categories: 10th grade,

Sparrow On Fire

There once was a Sparrow name Fred
Who wished to be a Robin instead?
His dull feathers of brown
Were, making him frown
He pined for a breast of bright red.

Poem Details | by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: money, rights, satire,

Two Rights May Make a Wrong

Robin Hood felt that he was doing good
Redistributing income as he could --
  But the man in green tights
  Violated the rights --
Of the rich to throw away all that food 

      January 31, 2019
  Entry in "Limerick 3" contest
      Sponsor: Joseph May

Poem Details | by Kathy Littrell |
Categories: funny, people, social,

Robin Hood

Robin Hood once took a chance
   On teaching his merry men to dance
          He taught them to cha cha
          The young maidens went gaga
    To see the dashing thieves in tight pants

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: funny,

His Pip Had a Squeak

Received a major degree in silliosity last week Well deserved, reside in fantasyland just up the creek Robin Poop, the main character Turned out a disaster Married a young maiden though his pip had a squeak

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: silly,

His Pip Was a Squeak

Received a major degree in silliosity last week Well deserved, reside in fantasyland just up the creek Robin Poop, the main character Turned out a disaster Married a young maiden though his pip was a squeak

Poem Details | by Kim Rodrigues |
Categories: sad,

Framed For Fame


There once was a boy — His father was “Blue.”
Classmates hated him, down the stairs he flew.
Billy Moon with his girlie hair.
He really missed his teddy bear.
Christopher Robin — no soul ever knew.


Poem Details | by Krish Radhakrishna |
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 2nd grade,

X Mas Is For Love

little Robin perched on snow covered fence,
out in open without any defence,
Kestrel saw an easy meal,
considered moral appeal,
In Xmas show love- no room for offence! syllables

Poem Details | by James Horn |
Categories: allegory, analogy,

Bees and Birds With Red Breasts

Birds and bees always try to tease;
Known to knock many new knees;
Saw her bra,
And la di da;
Robin red breast was in tall trees.

Best breast and around
with never had messed
even though obsessed.

Jim Horn

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: future,

Sing Like a Robin

Downhill I tumble straight to the bottom Like a big-time loser, part of the downtrodden Probably just a phase Perhaps too many rays It's said that'll do it so just sing like a robin

Poem Details | by Tim Riding |
Categories: animal, funny,

Wildlife 7

Wildlife 7
An excitable speckly young thrush,
Flew down from a tree in a rush,
He felt sure that he'd heard
A like minded bird,
But he just made a poor robin blush!