Limerick Poems About Politics | Political Limerick Poems
Poem Details | by Duke Beaufort |
Categories: farewell, humorous, perspective, political,

oh for a second departure

Once simian stock from brambles
Orange buffoon whose ooze rambles
Orangutan clone 
On narcissist’s throne
Owns ape-man’s old brain in shambles

Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other political Poems."

Poem Details | by Duke Beaufort |
Categories: history, political,

What's this

He has an ego so swollen
And says elections were stolen
The "Big Lie" he'll spiel
Has MAGA appeal
For those with brains up their colon

Poem Details | by Robert L. Hinshaw |
Categories: funny, political,

Guiding Star O'Er Washington

I pray a  bright star will shine in the air

    O'er Washington to guide some wise men there

        Bringing gifts of commonsense

            And harmony to dispense

                To a nation that is in disrepair

Robert LHinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
© All Rights Reserved

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: body, humorous, lust, political,

Ronald Likes a Nice Bit of Rump

A politician called Ronald Dump Loves to pat pretty girls on the rump At a peachy pert tush All his brains turn to mush His wife floors him – you should see the lump! Fictional write for fun 7th June 2016

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: golf, political,

Plunk Flunk

Trump went to the golf course today 
But nobody wanted to play
When someone yelled, "Fore!"
Trump thought they yelled, "Whore!"
And proudly stood in the ball's way

Poem Details | by John Smith |
Categories: political,

Bye Gadaffi

Gadaffi!  That hole in your temple 
will put a full stop to your trample 
of the poor Libyans 
So, now the Syrians 
say, "Assad, step aside; that's a sample."

Poem Details | by Robert L. Hinshaw |
Categories: political,

Vee Pee

I fervently pray I shall never see

   Another like the incumbent Vee Pee

      I cringe hearing her cackle

         Such a useless debacle

            Two peas in a pod are JoJo and she

Poem Details | by John Smith |
Categories: satire


Political life isn't cheap
moats are costly to clean when their deep
big bucks for a porn movie
and a duck house thats groovy,
it's enough to make Gordon Brown weep.

Poem Details | by Sandison Jumbo |
Categories: america, humor, political,

Thumping Hilary

Thumping Hilary

Hillary had thought trash of Donald Trump
And prayed him, that America should dump
She spent time on the jabber
That he was a ‘Pee’ grabber
The election came; Trump gave her a thump!

July 4, 2017

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: political, usa,

Frilly Red Knickers Show Time

(aka "Trump's Bottom Line")

Cartel Jesus launched an old crone
High over Trump's Wall on a drone
Our Border Patrol
Went out of control
Snapping photos with their iPhone!

Poem Details | by Dale Gregory Cozart |
Categories: political, satire,

Potty In Politics

The Congress it seems had no bathrooms. They just held it or country was doomed. They passed regulations for eliminations then out of both their chambers they zoomed.

Poem Details | by Geoffrey Brewer |
Categories: humorous, political,

Repetition Is Not Truth

A once esteemed party was fain
To  cry ‘Racist!’ again and again
Not now and again
Til it made neural paths in their brain

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: humor, political,

No Lie Zone

When Putin is telling the truth
The frogs queue up at the Kissing Booth
But the Russian Bear
Growls, "You should take care!
Vlad squirts cyanide from his tooth!"

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: political,

Take Out

Tom Cunningham says its not rash
For Russians to take out their trash
And the longer they wait
The more stink in their fate
But the buggers all want more cash!

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: jobs, political,

The Apprentice

Here's hoping Joe Biden gets hired, It’s what all his voters desired, He can then say to Trump, (the arrogant lump), Hey Donald, I'm Potus - ‘YOU’RE FIRED !!! 20/05/20

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: america, political,

Heil - the American Nationalist Greeting

After you pass our barbwire gates
Welcome to the United States!
A non-white face
Gets sprayed with Mace
But if you have cash, we'll be mates!

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: happiness, health, political,

A Tension

Aye, COVID-19 is here to stay
And we are all living day-to-day
So why must I ask
That you wear your mask?
No one wants what you're giving away!

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: political, religious,

Lame Blame Game

Trump orders everyone to church
Or Governors will get the birch
Americans will pay
On Memorial Day
With God to blame, Trump ends his search

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: environment, political,

The I's of Texas

We have a vehicle on Mars
Down on Earth, no gas for our cars
No heat overnight
No water in sight
in Texas, they're just seeing stars!

Poem Details | by Jim Healey |
Categories: political,

Canadian Dumpster Fire - POTD

So, Justin Trudeau's gonna retire
(something Canadians did desire)
But he's left a big mess,
and Trump's causing stress!
It's a political dumpster fire!

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: political,

Who's Crazy

The Orange-hair Man makes great cents
Under the Treasury fence
They call his tunnel
"Trump Resorts Funnel"
We all want dollars but get Pence

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: political,

'tis the Season

Trump Towers in Old Istanbul
Influenced our President's pull
Brown skins do not matter
So let the Kurds scatter
And enjoy the Turkey Shoot Cull

Poem Details | by Duke Beaufort |
Categories: age, betrayal, political, silly,

start the bidding

While D.T.'s old image was bold
His weird rants seem hoary and cold
If campaign funds fade
The next asset trade
Is having Melania sold

Why would he throw away caution?
Seems like he’s got brain exhaustion
While human slave trade  
Appears retrograde
This artifice needs an auction

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: political, poverty,

Trump's Great America

Plentiful Pizza closed its door
Too many people wanted more
With dough in the air
The cook did not care
Open or Closed, she was still poor!

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: political,

Trump Innocenti

Mitch now claims Trump did not do it
Or if he did, does not rue it
So Trump had some fun
Its over and done
And only losers will chew it