Limerick Poems About Pig | Pig Limerick Poems
Poem Details | by Kory Calhoun |
Categories: funny

Oink Vey - Limerick

There was a dumb pig from Kauai
Who had a huge stye in his eye
While using a hatchet 
He started to scratch it
Now the swine has an eye in his sty!

Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other pig Poems."

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: animal, humorous,

Is Percy Trying To Pull the Wool Over Our Eyes

Percy pig was feeling quite shaken - He'd heard pigs were slaughtered for bacon Turning white as a sheet He then started to bleat As a sheep could he be mistaken! Entered into 101 in a row contests ~14 sponsored by PD Linda:-) 17th June 2016

Poem Details | by Sharon Smith |
Categories: animals, children, funny,

There Once Was a Pig

There once was a pig who would try,
To jump off the ground and to fly,
The result was the same,
'Til he bought a plane,
And left his friends waving goodbye!

Poem Details | by Barbara Gorelick |
Categories: funny

A Guy and His Pig

Poor Bob was a kind of a dork He kept eating soup with a fork We wasn't to bright Sad was his plight When he took his pig to New York

Poem Details | by Joyce Johnson |
Categories: funny, humor,

A Pig In a Poke

A Pig in a Poke--Cheese & Whine

A pretty girl named Mary Crary
And her sweetheart wanted to marry.
Her daddy said, “Take her
But do not forsake her
When you find that Mary’s contrary”.

Poem Details | by Cecil Hickman |
Categories: funny, life, nostalgia,

Porky Pig, Elmer Fudd, Bugs Bunny, Gpss

I’m hunting wabbits , are you going too.
Da duh da duh da downtown is a clue.
Watch out for that, doc.
I’ll think I will walk.
Ti, ti, ti, turn quick, wha, wha, what  I do 

written for
Sponsor Carolyn Devonshire 
Contest Name Techno-Limericks

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: fun,

Kissing a Pig

Silliness can eventually become a way of life A whole bunch more fun than a bowl of rice Or dancing a jig Maybe kissing a pig The animal kind can also be nice © Jack Ellison 2015

Poem Details | by Emma Willden |
Categories: funny,


There once was girl named Nicola
she had dreams about Diet Cola
the cola was big
and nasty as a pig
as it chased her around the granola.

Poem Details | by Emily Westfaul |
Categories: animals, food, funny,

Pink Pork Chop Bill

There once was a pink, pig named Bill,
who climbed up a big, big hill.
He climbed to the top
not to be pork chop,
but his big owner found him still.

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: animal, humorous, pets, , cute,

Someone Was Telling Huge Porkie Pies

Peter purchased a cute 'micro pig' Over time it grew ever so big! It cannot be denied That the seller had lied If he’s caught he’ll end up in the brig! 01~02~16

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: anxiety,

A Pig In Poop

Been healthy as a pig in poop all my life Should I be concerned, I've lost my appetite Is this something serious At the thought I'm delirious What if.what if.. I'm on my last flight

Poem Details | by William Robinson |
Categories: animals, children, funny, on work and working, people, friend,

Posh Pigs

I have a friend named Archibald Green--
Strangest pig farmer I've ever seen.
Now, this weird friend of mine
Always transports his swine
In the back of his stretch limousine.

Poem Details | by Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen |
Categories: animals, food, funny

Pig In the Poke.

“Pig in the Poke.”

There once was a pig that liked Cokes.
He usually partied; told jokes.
One day he woke up.
Drank mud from his cup.
Then, he choked; poor pig in the poke.

© Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen
January 30, 2010

Poetic form:  Limerick

Poem Details | by Rajat Kanti Chakrabarty |
Categories: fun,

Mister Pigo

I so loved Mister Pigo the pig
                                       It was not at all infra dig
                                            A Man and a beast
                                          On a great love feast
                                    joked jigged and rode in a gig

Poem Details | by Rajat Kanti Chakrabarty |
Categories: fun, nonsense,

Sam Bought a Yellow Pig

Sam bought a yellow pig in a poke
He was a chip of a good old bloke
The Yellow broke Sam's peace
Sold at a dime a piece
Sam had to put on a mourning cloak

December 02, 2014

Poem Details | by L Milton Hankins |
Categories: humor,

New York Barbecue

Once there was a right dandy dude from New York
He dined each day on the finest loin of pork
Never met a pig he did not admire,
Roasting on a flaming barby fire
Made even tastier by the pop of the cork.

May 23, 2021

Poem Details | by Ghita Manaila |
Categories: new york,

The Young Man From New York

There was a young man from New York
He daily used to eat roast pork.
But  when someone gave him a fig
He began grunting like a pig
And then he went sadly to work.

Poem Details | by Larry Bradfield |
Categories: drink,

Drinkin' Me Grog

I met a wee lad in the fog
He sat on a wee people's log
I said, "Dance me a jig"
He said,"I'm not your pig.
I'm drinkin' me grog on the bog!"


Poem Details | by Lim'Rik Flats |
Categories: silly,

Cavorting Through the Soup

I’m happy as a pig in poop
cavorting through the soup
this lovely day
some internet play
I’ve been lacking due to goop

*it’s been rumored the recent poor internet service was caused by moisture getting to the fiber optic lines Sounds a bit goopy to me;-)

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: age,

My Body Doth Sag

Well sing hallelujah and hang out the flags My denture are broken and my body doth sag Still a happy old pig Can still do a jig But lately having trouble some parts to wag

Poem Details | by Lim'Rik Flats |
Categories: silly,

Bacon Scare

A shortage of bacon reserves
Has Willie, pork lover, in nerves
Willie says drat
Without pig fat
I just might lose all my curves

(based on the fake news “Bacon Reserve Shortage in the USA”)

Poem Details | by Bill Baker |
Categories: creation, identity, imagination, introspection,

A Reincarnated Cow

I’m just a cow chewing my cud
     if a bull, I could be a stud
       reincarnated I could be
        something different but lazy
          I’ll choose pig, just lay in the mud

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: life,

Life's a Play

What earth shattering things have I got to say The world's still round, same stuff each day Happy as a pig So what the frig Why can't everybody perform in life's happy play

Poem Details | by Anisha Dutta |
Categories: animal, cute,

Pig and Moles

Pig and Moles

                  I noticed a fatty pig
                  to take a broad spade to dig
                     three tiny round holes'            
                     for three cute mute moles
                 playing with balls small and big.


Poem Details | by Rajat Kanti Chakrabarty |
Categories: fun, nonsense,

Eva Sweenie

Eva Sweenie swum in a raw
                                  And made a she-fish her foe
                                     Oh, each cursed each
                                          A pig or a bitch
                                 They got a roe deal for sure