Limerick Poems About Persian | Persian Limerick Poems
Poem Details | by Laura Leiser |
Categories: cat, funny,

Licks and Hairballs

My Persian LICKS with abandon
A cat with a mission in hand'en
When suddenly he chokes
HAIRBALLS stuck in his throat
And upchucks over me where I'm standin'!

Written on 5/20/2015

Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other persian Poems."

Poem Details | by Robert Gorelick |
Categories: halloween, humor,

Tit-For-Tat Persian Cat

A young man and his chic Persian cat
Help each other out tit-for-tat
He feeds her fresh kippers
She brings him his slippers
Why can’t more couples be thoughtful like that?


Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: cat, home,

It Was a Catastrophy - Poop Poem Warning

My neighbour Cath visited me cat followed, but Cath did not see puss piddled then shat on my Persian mat it was a true catastrophe! FICTION POEM 03/14/21

Poem Details | by Tim Riding |
Categories: animal, dog, funny,

Wildlife 32

Wildlife 32

A wrinkled and ugly young pug,
Once pooped on a new Persian rug,
Her owner was cross,
But she gave "not a toss!"
And just laughed it off with a shrug!

Poem Details | by Robert Gorelick |
Categories: abuse, allusion, america, anger, evil, political,

They're Eating Our Pets!

He said it, it's true, this man never lies They've been cooking our pets right before our eyes A German shepherd pie? A Persian cat on rye? You heathen Haitians, there's really no surprise!