Poem Details | by
John Williams |
There was a young man from Tarrot,
Who fed his green bird some carrot,
It preferred it to seed
When it came time to feed,
Now he has a bright orange parrot.
Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for
poems or see our other
parrot Poems."
Poem Details | by
John Williams |
children, funny,
A pirate captain yelling orders on deck,
Was bitten by his parrot on the neck,
His blood-curdling scream
Followed by a volley of blaspheme,
Caused him to be known as Captain Peck.
Poem Details | by
Dawn Gordon |
animalshappy, blue, happy,
Today I had the chance to hold "the blue from rio",
A blue bird on a skateboard you should meet and know,
A fancy parrot from the happy meal kid's land,
Preening all his gorgeous feathers on his wheeled stand,
Visit the happy meal site! Join his feathered flow.
Poem Details | by
Barbara Gorelick |
bird, humor,
There was a pirate whose parrot could talk
What happened to it was such a big shock
At the captain it swore
Poor old thing seen no more
Aaargh! Down the plank he forced it to walk
Poem Details | by
Richard Breese |
city, funny, humor, humorous, places, sky, smile,
once a parrot named kevin
wanted to fly to heaven
so he flew and flew
but when out of view
was forced to land in akron.
Poem Details | by
Cecil Hickman |
adventure, animals, fantasy, funny, imagination, sea
Under the sea lived a parrot.
She loved to play with a ferret.
Then upon one day,
In the month of May,
They both shared a yellow carrot.
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
humorous, spoken word,
Sue suffers from constant lorgorrhea
This condition has no panacea –
Like a parrot who’s squawking
She just cannot stop talking
It’s well-known as verbal diarrhoea
Poem Details | by
Terry Flood |
christmas, funny,
The family left Santa some claret
But Rudolph would not eat the carrot
No vegan, not never
He spat out a feather
Because he’d just eaten their parrot
10 December 2018
Funny reindeer limerick contest
Sponsor Tania Kitchen
Poem Details | by
James Fraser |
animals, funny
I know of a parrot called Lewis
Whose impressions went right just through us
With his amazing charm
Like a burglar alarm
When he did, he'd always confuse us
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
Today is the first day of the rest of your life
So start out beaming, it's a very small price
Jumping through hoops
Smelling parrot poop
And the finer things in life like torturing mice
Poem Details | by
Robert L. Hinshaw |
bird, humor,
The parson's parrot was a sinful bird,
Known for squawking many a naughty word!
Said parson, "Let's make a pact;
Here and now clean up your act!"
Squawked bird, "Those very words from you I heard!"
Robert LHinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
A Kea is a parrot found in New Zealand
Also called Wobbly Keas, pranksters of birdland
Clowns of the mountains
Known to thousands
Of natives and tourists for fun loving diversions
Poem Details | by
Robert Gorelick |
animal, humorous,
A Mexican parrot clever and wise
escaped his dreadful cage in Van Nuys
He flew out of the Valley
back to old Mexicali
singing: Hasta la vista, you guys!
Written 2/19/22
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
Today is the first day of the rest of your life
So start out beaming, it's a very small price
Jumping through hoops
Smelling parrot poop
And the finer things in life like torturing mice
Poem Details | by
Randy Freie |
My parrot made me want to smack her
With all that noise the deaf could track her
I was hoping she'd talk
But all she did was squawk
So now she's Polly on a cracker
Poem Details | by
Linda Alice Fowler |
animal, bird, cute, food, funny, nursery rhyme,
He was a happy bunny,
personality sunny.
He ate a carrot,
became a parrot.
Now, isn’t that just too funny?
Poem Details | by
Gershon Wolf |
anger, bird, cute,
There’s this talented parrot named Jaster
Who imitates his ill-tempered master ~
The master goes ballistic
Over Jaster’s stylistics ~
Jaster echoes him better and faster
Poem Details | by
Gershon Wolf |
bird, food, health, silly, spoken word,
Fred's parrot learned 'Polly wants a cracker'
Now Fred struts around town with a swagger ~
But I popped Fred's balloon
Called his parrot, 'buffoon' ~
"My parrot requests gluten-free snacks, sir!"
Poem Details | by
Richard Breese |
abuse, anger, bird, car, funny, giggle, humor,
a parrot walks into a bar
hey buddy have you got a car
i hike for ten miles
get nothing but smiles
and sidewalks here are below par.