Limerick Poems About Mole | Mole Limerick Poems
Poem Details | by James Horn |
Categories: allegory, analogy,

My Grass and Mole Cricket

My Grass and Mole Cricket

My grass is being killed by mole cricket,
Even beneath my fence that is a picket;
Grass is dying;
We are crying;
Do wish there is way that we can lick it.

Jim Horn

Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other mole Poems."

Poem Details | by Shadow Hamilton |
Categories: humor, humorous,

The Rabbit and the Mole

Hipperity hipperity hop
bunny so full he could pop  
squeezes down his hole
bumping into mole
who gave his ear a sound wop

Poem Details | by Joshua Lacey |
Categories: faith

Need To Escape

How is my soul
Stuck in black hole?
Am in God's hands
Pass testing lands
No longer blind like mole!

Poem Details | by Joshua Lacey |
Categories: faith

Need To Escape

How is my soul
Stuck in black hole?
Am in God's hands
Pass testing lands
No longer blind like mole!

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: uplifting,

Constantly In Flux

Must remain upbeat because negativity sucks Builds mountains out of mole hills, now there's the crux It's mind over matter Keep climbing that ladder Always remain upbeat coz life's constantly in flux © Jack Ellison 2016

Poem Details | by Eve Roper |
Categories: cat,

Witch With a Hold In Her Nose

There was an old Witch with a beauty-mole 
On her nose that looked like an ugly troll.
Spook, her hungry cat,
Like a bobcat sat, 
Tail wagged, lost self-control and left a hole.


A Funny Limerick - Make Me Laugh Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Tania Kitchin

Poem Details | by Shirley Hawkins |
Categories: 10th grade,


On a head, there lived a louse,
It was this itchy louse's house.
Mr Magoo was a mole,
Who lived in a deep, dark hole.
BANG! the head just shot a grouse!

Poem Details | by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: animal, garden, passion,

Floyd's Passions Boil

Floyd was having an affair with the soil
Something in the ground made his passions boil
   He dug a real deep hole
   Up popped a New York mole
She slapped poor Floyd ~ I'm not that kind of 'goil!'

Poem Details | by Daisy Ward |
Categories: humorous,

The Outfit

Wearing her see through outfit was bold
Wind came through that made her butt cold
She called out for heat
That shot through her teeth
What a sight, she looked like a mole