Limerick Poems About Metaphor | Metaphor Limerick Poems
Poem Details | by Sandra Haight |
Categories: humor, metaphor,


There once was a housewife named Claire
Who shook out her mop in the air
The dust whirled like stars
The Earth, Moon, and Mars-
Who’s shaking a dust mop up there?

Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other metaphor Poems."

Poem Details | by Jean Murray |
Categories: metaphor, proposal, recovery from,

My Plumber

My plumber is here to sort my pipes.
Says he has divorced his wife.
He just showed me his hose.
Then proceeded to propose.
I admit I got the fright of my life.

Poem Details | by Sandy Tadros |
Categories: conflict, hurt, inspiration, love hurts, metaphor, snow,

Barefoot On the Snow

The sun told me it will rise again;
And send its warmth to the glen,
But it can't soften the coldness in your soul!
So I will walk barefoot on the snow buried in your whole:
Leaving my traces on your heart's lane.

Poem Details | by John Freeman |
Categories: allegory

"a Shepherd's Metaphor"

In economy led of beastly mind,

Upon a political serpentine.

All strives of wickedness kicks,

Against the fleece of Love’s Pricks(goads).

As true sheep trod, before their God’s, INClINE(will).

For Contest: Follower or Leader
In Honor of: Carolyn Devonshire 
Placed #3

Poem Details | by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: allusion, creation, extended metaphor, literature, poetry, satire, smart,

Men Only Zeitgeist Tools

for having a  ultra hyper bright light
         just for having the title of DOCTOR right
         some presume they are smart
         and be known for being LORD bart
          actually are piece of zeitgeist sight...!

Poem Details | by Freddie Robinson Jr. |
Categories: childhood, humor, metaphor, parents,

Caught In the Act

Got my hand caught in the cookie jar,
mother’s ears didn’t wander too far
Here comes the wooden stare.
then hot bottom fanned air
Double trouble, here comes father’s car

Poem Details | by Jaquay Atkins |
Categories: life, metaphor, poems, poetry, universe, usa, wisdom, word play, words, writing,

Lies, I Tell You

The myth of extreme self righteousness
Forever hard to find 
Words poisonous like venom
Backstabbing for per diem
Corruption among this game we call chess

Poem Details | by Trey Hamner |
Categories: animal, bird, hyperbole, imagery, metaphor, strength, symbolism,

Two Preying Birds

I'm like a SEAL team commando
After several cups of espresso
I like to dive bomb
With great aplomb
A gyrfalcon? I think so

To poach me is illegal
My name evokes the regal
I reach astonishing speed
When I'm ready to feed
You can call me a golden eagle

Poem Details | by Ankala Subbarao |
Categories: care, death, extended metaphor, insect,

The Malarial Sporozoite

My mom and dad met in the gut of an insect!  	
As a kid, I was packed in a sac not so perfect;	
When I am mature,	
I make myself sure	
To infect a human when the insect does inject

Poem Details | by The Red Rain |
Categories: image, metaphor,


The stage is warm and yet colder
The past round my neck as a boulder
I sit and I think
Do I need a drink?
Would I have done well to have told her

Poem Details | by James Study |
Categories: humorous, metaphor, silly, writing,

Bright Words

I think I'll write a silly dribble
Which you can read and maybe quibble
Pens of color write
Words on paper bright
Could be considered brilliant scribble

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: fun,

A Perfect Metaphor

A perfect metaphor for everyone's life is like Standing up in a hammock or standing up on a bike Now that's totally silly And quite unhealthily Could fall down, break your crown, should stick to a trike

Poem Details | by Sarban Bhattacharya |
Categories: metaphor,

Limerick 1

Poor Tom did not know how to ride, 
Encouraged, the first time he tried, 
But the horse was mad, 
It galloped being glad, 
Down the brook letting Tom to glide.

Poem Details | by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: allusion, funny, hilarious, metaphor, surreal,

Less Pollution

To solve the evil of pollution
     just eating less is a solution
     stone poop of indian 
     is real  serious question
     not doing every day is action

   Read in daily newspapers

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: metaphor,


Okay here's a quiz, “what rhymes with bugaboos” Well, time's, it isn't a town in Timbuktu To the back of the class Bong, your time has passed When you sneeze and put stuff all over your shoe

Poem Details | by James Study |
Categories: allegory, muse, satire,

Dazzle Or Baffle

master of gibberish lines of metaphor
acclaim and awards from the poetry corp
coffee house pied piper
study and decipher
dazzle with brilliance or baffle galore

Poem Details | by Bobby May |
Categories: metaphor, snow, winter,

Split Behind

I fell from the sky twirling drifting down  
Turned into a snowflake yelling touchdown
Then skates cut though thin ice
Split open and cracked me twice
Right in my behind giving me a frown 

Contest: Winter Snow and Ice-Limerick
Sponsored By: Tania Kitchin
Date Created: 12/28/2020

Poem Details | by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: allegory, allusion, humorous, metaphor, truth,

Hyper Stars of Football

Pelé killed the game and ate the ball
     Garrincha held the ball and did bawl
     coming, going what the hell
     Zico played ball through  smell
     Bileira my cousin  made rivals crawl

Poem Details | by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: allusion, appreciation, extended metaphor, funny, humorous, peace,

Peace At Last

In life I slept
      installment due..
      In death, sepulchral sleep..
       no requirements
       sans scares,
     without collectors `
      at the door...!

Poem Details | by Joe Sandler |
Categories: addiction, food, fun, metaphor, senses, sensual, silly,

Twinkie Binky

A woman I knew loved a twinkie.
She also loved a binky.
The cream from the twink,
She'd smear on the bink.
So what do you think?
Is that kinky?

Poem Details | by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: food, fun, poetry, silly,

My Very First Sonnetina

I think tonight I'd like to write a 'sonnetina'
It seems to me that it would be a wiener
   No rules, no rhyme
      No simile
   Nor metaphor
      Nor imagery
Just sling the words, like week-old hash for dinner

Poem Details | by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: adventure, allusion, analogy, appreciation, extended metaphor, humorous, magic,

Magic Grain of Argentinian Rice

In argentIna a such  rice grain
of great magic i could not explain
produces great amount of paella  rice
enough to feed a troop by cooking nIce
just one grain , so much of rice contains

Poem Details | by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: allusion, extended metaphor, humorous, irony, parody, satire, wisdom,

Smart Advice

Don't argue with the wise man,
arrest him..
don't argue with the idiot,
release it..
- How? Why ?
because the sage knows our
fraud our agreements..
the idiot besides knowing nothing,
he will still assist us to arrest
the other...

Poem Details | by James Edward Lee Sr. |
Categories: appreciation, food, love, meaningful, metaphor,

Man Married Mustard His Name Was Ketchup-

Once relished was ketchup married; 
He liked mustard so he married; 
It was rather new; 
But not very Yahoo;
Condiment life so unwarried;

Written words by James Edward Lee Sr © 2020

Poem Details | by Lisle Ryder |
Categories: metaphor,

Double Trouble

A family who lived as a 'bubble'
joined another to make it a double
     but as bubbles do burst
     by Covid they were cursed
and so it all ended in trouble.

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