Limerick Poems About Llama | Llama Limerick Poems
Poem Details | by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: animal, freedom, health, silly,

Don You Now Your Flu Apparel

There was a polite llama from Peru
        Who encountered a wild boar with the flu
           Llama said, 'Please don your mask
           If it's not too much to ask'
        The boar sneered, 'I'll be hog-tied if I do'

Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other llama Poems."

Poem Details | by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: animal, giggle, golf,

Par For the Course - a Bit Bawdy

There is a golfer from Lima, Peru
        On each of his balls, a llama tattooed
          Up and down his scores jump
          Like a llama's big hump
        As soon as his fans cheer, they have to boo

Poem Details | by Cal Barkley |
Categories: animal, humor, humorous, journey,

Riding On a Llama

Once there was a farmer
Who rode to the pub on a llama
He said "In Peru 
It's the thing to do
Isn't she a charmer?"

Poem Details | by James Horn |
Categories: humorous,

Obama On Llama Horn Limerick

Obama on Llama Horn Limerick

Kitty did like to do drama
Favorite President is Obama
So handsome and very gallant
For specking has natural talent
Likes riding a llama me llama

Jim Horn

Me LLama is Spanish of course.

Poem Details | by Kim Rodrigues |
Categories: animal, humor,

A Striking Llama

There once was a llama in my pocket,
as my eyes did expel from each socket.

          His snout stole my snack
                 in hunger attack.

Picket-eyes keep thieves out of my pocket.

Poem Details | by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: adventure, animal, fear,

Llama In Trauma

There once was a Peruvian llama
Whose owner shipped him to Alabama
  Horns blaring, lights flashing
  Folks screaming, cars crashing
All points lookout ~ one llama in trauma

Poem Details | by James Horn |
Categories: allegory, analogy,

Funom Makama Riding On a Llama

Remember Funom Makama,
Who went riding on a llama,
And viewed,
Family feud;
Fell off then had a trauma.

Jim Horn