Poem Details | by
Gershon Wolf |
animal, freedom, health, silly,
There was a polite llama from Peru
Who encountered a wild boar with the flu
Llama said, 'Please don your mask
If it's not too much to ask'
The boar sneered, 'I'll be hog-tied if I do'
Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for
poems or see our other
llama Poems."
Poem Details | by
Gershon Wolf |
animal, giggle, golf,
There is a golfer from Lima, Peru
On each of his balls, a llama tattooed
Up and down his scores jump
Like a llama's big hump
As soon as his fans cheer, they have to boo
Poem Details | by
Cal Barkley |
animal, humor, humorous, journey,
Once there was a farmer
Who rode to the pub on a llama
He said "In Peru
It's the thing to do
Isn't she a charmer?"
Poem Details | by
James Horn |
Obama on Llama Horn Limerick
Kitty did like to do drama
Favorite President is Obama
So handsome and very gallant
For specking has natural talent
Likes riding a llama me llama
Jim Horn
Me LLama is Spanish of course.
Poem Details | by
Kim Rodrigues |
animal, humor,
There once was a llama in my pocket,
as my eyes did expel from each socket.
His snout stole my snack
in hunger attack.
Picket-eyes keep thieves out of my pocket.
Poem Details | by
Gershon Wolf |
adventure, animal, fear,
There once was a Peruvian llama
Whose owner shipped him to Alabama
Horns blaring, lights flashing
Folks screaming, cars crashing
All points lookout ~ one llama in trauma
Poem Details | by
James Horn |
allegory, analogy,
Remember Funom Makama,
Who went riding on a llama,
And viewed,
Family feud;
Fell off then had a trauma.
Jim Horn