Poem Details | by
Rico Leffanta |
humor, january,
The Russians, of course, think its cool
To jump in an icy-cold pool
But I'm not a fool
And made a Mule Rule:
Dive only where warmth greets my tool!
Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for
poems or see our other
jump Poems."
Poem Details | by
Tania Kitchin |
angst, bullying, grief,
They protest to not be a drama queen
but just can't wait to jump into the scene
Pretending to be a friend
Verbal daggers they extend
Their true colors are now vibrantly seen
Poem Details | by
Gershon Wolf |
animal, baby, night,
In Aussie-land dwell the marsupials
By night they paint the town connubial
They make them a joey
Named Zoey or Chloe
Neighbors jump for joy indubitable
Poem Details | by
Joseph Spence Sr |
adventure, funny, imagination, life, nature, science, visionary,
Run, jump, scream, duck, dodge and leap
Try to stay on your running feet
Honey in the hive
The bees are alive
Run, jump, scream, don't fall and leap!
Poem Details | by
Sneha Rv |
imagination, wisdom,
Logic will get you from A to BImagination will take you everywhere
- Albert Einstein
Using wit and logic here and there
May help you out in times of despair -
But if you jump from the sky,
And think you could fly
Imagining does take you EVERYWHERE!
Poem Details | by
Andrea Dietrich |
Three times higher on Mars you can jump,
which is great, but you'll sure be a grump
if you visit the spot
so incredibly hot
that the sun, when it's close, roasts your rump!
For the Life On Mars Poetry Contest of Brian Davey
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
Another new friend here on the Soup
Is Mo, for her I'd jump through hoops
Lives in our capital
She's still quite rational
Couriered her way into my heart..no poop!
Poem Details | by
Andrea Dietrich |
When in Utah, fat Patty took note
on the surface of Salt Lake, folks float.
So she took a great jump,
but she sank like a lump,
and her splash could have capsized a boat!
July 18, 2019
Poem Details | by
Chris Matt |
My basketball sneakers could make me fly
In fourth grade I could jump so high
I wasn't the best on the team
But I was in my dream
With those shoes, I swear I could touch the sky.
Poem Details | by
Daniel Cwiak |
imagination, introspection, life, nostalgia, sports
There was a time when I stood tall
Especially in college, playing NCAA Volleyball.
Oh, the trips we went on to the various meets
Winning and losing in those much vaunted heats.
We weren't great then, now I can't jump at all.
Poem Details | by
Sharon Smith |
animals, children, funny,
There once was a pig who would try,
To jump off the ground and to fly,
The result was the same,
'Til he bought a plane,
And left his friends waving goodbye!
Poem Details | by
Nandita Das |
funny, nonsense,
When Ben's beliefs they tried to stifle
He decided to jump off the Eiffel
Being of magnanimous mind
Uncle was exceedingly kind
Instead offering him his new, automatic rifle.
Poem Details | by
John Williams |
beach, children, summer,
My swimmers on, to the beach I ran,
Across the hot, white, squirming sand,
The first wave faced knocked me rotten,
My dad had told me but I'd forgotten,
Jump the waves son if you can.
Poem Details | by
Curtis Moorman |
When Gabriel sounds the trumpet
There'll be no time for crumpets
You'll stand and wait
At the Pearly Gate
But you won't be able to jump it
Poem Details | by
Lindsay Laurie |
We once knew a fella named Abel,
Who loved to jump razor wire cable,
One day he made a slip;
Heard a howl and a rip...
So now we address him as Mabel.
Poem Details | by
Lindsay Laurie |
When athletics have no consequence,
The long jump and high jump make no sense,
You can still leap ten feet,
Even hurdle a street,
If you lean on an electric fence.
Poem Details | by
Gershon Wolf |
animal, giggle, golf,
There is a golfer from Lima, Peru
On each of his balls, a llama tattooed
Up and down his scores jump
Like a llama's big hump
As soon as his fans cheer, they have to boo
Poem Details | by
David Fisher |
fish, funny,
I once heard of a young fish named, Felipe
Who floated up to consider a leap
His friends did shout
For him to jump out
But he was afraid the air was too deep
Poem Details | by
Marrissa Kamckey- Harms |
funny, happiness, life, prayer,
Every time I take a step,
I end up falling down.
Legs flying throw the air,
Making me look like a clown.
Though if I jump up in the sky,
Holding a simple prayer in my mind.
I fly....
Only to land on my behind!:-)
Poem Details | by
Tim Smith |
adventure, funny,
I always wanted to jump out of an airplane
My friends they would tell me that I was just insane
I took me a chance
but I lost my pants
Giving the ladies a peek at my candy cane
Poem Details | by
John Williams |
funny, humorous,
This is an ode to Sally-Jo,
Her silver spurs and the horse she rode,
As their mighty leap slowly unwound
They jumped the Grand Canyon in a single bound,
But it was deemed wind assisted as a hurricane blowed.
Poem Details | by
John Williams |
children, funny,
Jumping Jim just loved his sack,
Two feet in he'd jump up and back,
He went in sack races every time
He and his sack had a chance to shine,
Just a shame it's not an event on the track.
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
I know a nice lady who lives in Beirut
She's very popular here on The Soup
A soft kind of soul
My heart she once stole
If asked she would jump through hoops
© Jack Ellison 2015
Poem Details | by
Margaret Foster |
Each morning I jump on the wii
I run and I jog and I ski
I give it my best
then I take the test
to find there’s much more of me
Poem Details | by
Duke Beaufort |
funny, sports,
My daughter, who inspired this poem, sent me the photo she generated with the poetry text (now some 12+ after the original publication).
The stable's my favorite spot
I can walk jump cantor and trot
With horse--my friend true
I take ribbons of blue
For the cost of owning a yacht!