Limerick Poems About Inspiration | Inspiration Limerick Poems
Poem Details | by Cynthia Jones |
Categories: humor, imagery, inspiration, poetry, september, writing,

Cross-Eyed Woman -Limerick-

Cross eyed woman had a nasty fall after running into a brick wall she was hit over the head with a big loaf of bread while trying to play basketball Copyright Cynthia Jones Sept.23/2004

Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other inspiration Poems."

Poem Details | by Thompson Emate |
Categories: humor, humorous,


She walks the path that leads into the night,
She comes out with inspiration and light,
She writes from the deep,
Noble words to keep,
They're blueprints about her sojourn and plight.

September 3, 2024.

Poem Details | by Mia Harris |
Categories: animal, art, candy, character, kids, funny, inspiration, poetry, silly,


Long ago in Booville lived a Doo
Doo had a friend named Rue-Foo
Rue-Foo was obsessed with candy
But he was never handy
Then Rue-Foo found a mooing Phu-boo

Poem Details | by Marisa Moynihan |
Categories: happiness, how i feel, inspiration, music, star,

David Bowie

This idol, this man holds a place in my heart

He speaks of Ziggy Star Dust and Major Tom, so I don't know were to start

He played as a king of a goblin land

Watching and listening to him makes me crumble like sand

David Bowie s melodies and performances are genuinely an art.

Poem Details | by James Fraser |
Categories: culture, inspiration, inspirational, people, places, poems, words,

Bitching and Crying

Too much of this bitching and crying When poetry is purely about trying Toys thrown out of the pram Simply who gives a damn Or is it simply lies underlying Memories from another poetry site, hence why I'm here!

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: humorous, technology,

This Bunny Can Bang All Night For Anil Deo

Poor Energiser bunny was slow For his battery charge had gone low He relaxed on a barge Got a solar recharge Now he’s able to drum a solo thanks to Anil for the Inspiration and to my hubby for helping with the title and line 4 04~14~17

Poem Details | by Sandy Tadros |
Categories: conflict, hurt, inspiration, love hurts, metaphor, snow,

Barefoot On the Snow

The sun told me it will rise again;
And send its warmth to the glen,
But it can't soften the coldness in your soul!
So I will walk barefoot on the snow buried in your whole:
Leaving my traces on your heart's lane.

Poem Details | by Nina Aromea |
Categories: change, inspiration, poetess,

A Poet Named Nina

I Once New A Poet Named Nina
She sat pondering about the days when she was a pretty ballerina
When asked about her name by a stranger wearing nothing but shorts
She turned around and told him it is Jeanina.

Written by Nina E Dalin

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: inspiration,

Great Resilience

Stuff lurks down deep, from past experience Heaven knows I'm known for great resilience When moments of panic Turn me absolutely frantic I rely on rhymes, mysterious and sapience

Poem Details | by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: funny,


Wanted to pen a Limerick
Needed a comedian sidekick
Nothing funny to wit
A pun to make sides split
Some ole' fashion humor dipstick  

Inspiration: Black Eyed Susan' contest not an entry

Poem Details | by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: bible, blessing, christian, god, inspiration,

The Ark of Covenant

Whenever they travelled in front
The Ark Of Covenant did confront
The kept it well lit
And that was just fit
Only some to God could talk'd affront.

Dorian Petersen Potter
Aka ladydp2000

September, 8, 2014

Poem Details | by Jennifer Proxenos |
Categories: blessing,

A Christmas Wish


To all my dear friends on poetry soup,
I treasure the moment I joined the group,
I have made friends across the globe,
With your inspiration have widened my scope,
Christmas blessings to all, a delightful troop!

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: inspiration,

Forget Your Waistline

A spoonful of sugar makes your calories go up You just really need to forget how damn much Forget your waistline You're lookin' just fine An extra fifty pounds is just a wee touch © Jack Ellison 2015

Poem Details | by Duke Beaufort |
Categories: basketball, inspiration, political, power,

Life With Trump I

It's bullies Melania fights
The big one is now in her sights
If Donald should stray
His schlong she will flay
And not even give him last rites

Poem Details | by Duke Beaufort |
Categories: courage, proposal, silly, space, visionary,

What's That Under Your Skirt

Here’s a thought that could be pursued
For the Scotts who would be tattooed
It is the new fad
To ink a kilt that's plaid
Around parts not normally viewed

Author's note: Thanks to Kelly in Old Town's (Va) restaurant for the inspirationYou are a fantastic server.

Poem Details | by Mansur Aziz |
Categories: children, inspiration,

The Oath

I told my mother Quran Hadith both
I’ll read everyday, it’s my oath
Timely read and write
Not quarrel fight
Allah! You do my works all easy and smooth.

Poem Details | by Sallam Yassin |
Categories: inspiration, life, simple, smile,

Tip For Tea

The most amazing thing
In world
When u make one soul
Smile from deep of heart
With no attention

Poem Details | by Drjim Martin |
Categories: inspiration,

Instant Success

Instant Success
DrJames EMartin
©November, 2013

There is a way to succeed
If simple instructions you heed.
Don’t ever time squander,
From right paths don’t wander,
And never be caught up in greed!

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: friend,

Dear Friend Cherie

Dearest Cherie on another site, is my inspiration Each day, my world is brightened beyond imagination I look for her words They touch a nerve They exude love and friendship with much dedication

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: inspiration,

Inspired Each Day

Inspired each day I'm alive on this sphere Try to be the best I can be, always sincere Live by the code A true loving mode Say goodbye to prejudice, eliminate fear

Poem Details | by Michael Hilario |
Categories: inspiration,

Meeting This Girl

This girl I've met so lively and sweet
She looked at my eyes and made me sweat
All night I dream of her,
this burden - that I bear
makes me mad that pushed me to eating

Poem Details | by Dr. Upma A. Sharma |
Categories: art, beauty,

Lexi's Art

Lexi's art

Art jewellery, an inspiration for Lexi,
Created three D foetus on a Flexi,
Archaeologica she did coin, 
Group of crazy artists would join,
Poets at soup found her sexy !

Visual # 3
Written June 5th, 2015
For contest by Mystic rose

Poem Details | by Sidney Hall Mad Poet |
Categories: funny


After the 2X4 over the head
I thought I was surely dead
But I saw a scramble of words
Some kinda poem about birds
Oh it’s gone, Ill go draw some cartoons instead

Poem Details | by Duke Beaufort |
Categories: addiction, sensual, silly, visionary, work,

Our Inspiration Who Shall Not Be Named

A film for us please would you make?
For something like this we do ache!
We'd certainly watch
What you do with your crotch
When you take your daily sex break!

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: cat, humorous,

Getting the Hump -Bawdy Limerick

Young Lemmy was humping a ‘cushin’ His owner turned beetroot red blushin She said to her cat Please will you stop that Old Nancy next door may be lookin! Thanks to a lovely on line friend for the inspiration 1/1/21