Limerick Poems About Golf | Golf Limerick Poems
Poem Details | by Thvia Shetley |
Categories: funeral, funny, sports,

A Golf Limerick

While a man was golfing in Fife
a funeral cortege was arife,

       his head bowed in prayer
       at this somber affair

to pay last respects to his wife!

Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other golf Poems."

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: golf, political,

Plunk Flunk

Trump went to the golf course today 
But nobody wanted to play
When someone yelled, "Fore!"
Trump thought they yelled, "Whore!"
And proudly stood in the ball's way

Poem Details | by Gary Smith |
Categories: humorous, rude,

Dude From Bude

There once was a fellow from Bude
Who loved to play golf in the nude,
Someone quipped "that thing, 
Has a hell of swing,
He sure is one well equipped dude."

Entry for
Make Me Laugh Limerick Contest Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Tania Kitchin.

Poem Details | by Donald Williams |
Categories: sports, golf,

Golf Limerick

There was a man from faraway lands.

He held a golf club in his right hand.

He said this to me.

What is that I see?

No club in your mitt, or ball to hit.

-For Contest Golf Limerick

Poem Details | by Martin Kloess |
Categories: golf, humor, sports,

A Golfer's Tale

Was out playing golf just for fun
With Father O’Toole in the sun
When club from hand burst
Hit priest as he cursed
And I hit his first holy one

Poem Details | by Duke Beaufort |
Categories: abuse, baseball, basketball, bullying, culture, golf, hockey,


Hyperbole is a sports cast
Announcers have egos so vast
My ears must have rest
From this lambasting pest
Collection of morons amassed

Author's note: Is it getting worse, or is it just me?

Poem Details | by Sheri Fresonke Harper |
Categories: caregiving, devotion, funny, health, miracle, passion, sports, success,

Slow Golf

Golfers ahead were really slow
because their dead balls just wouldn't go
     we offered them beer,
     later we found cheer--
 they stepped aside to let it outflow.

Poem Details | by Thabang Ngoma |
Categories: fathers day, golf, memory,

Golf Day This Dad

You drove the ball high
It flew and touched the sky
I heard, “FORE!"
And ducked therefore
But the ball hit my thigh

Some of the things mom never knew happened;-)

Poem Details | by David Fisher |
Categories: funny, sports, golf,

Shout 'Foreplay'

I learned to golf the following way;
That after each stroke you shout, ‘foreplay!’
Then when you get up
You shoot for the cup,
And if asked give an instant replay.

For Craig's Golf Limerick contest

Poem Details | by Wren Rushing |
Categories: golf,

The Truth Hurts

I'm a lonely golf ball lost in the wood,
hit by a golfer that's not very good.
Honestly I swear,
I don't think he cares.
Maybe taking a few lessons he should.


Poem Details | by Joshua Lacey |
Categories: funny

Don'T Fool Around! (Ode To Golf)

Whack that ball; don't hit a tree
Be conked out in the head you see!
And don't hit into the rough
Oh my gosh; that sure is tough!
Or maybe in "the zone" you'll be!

Poem Details | by Thabang Ngoma |
Categories: golf,

Par Three

I tee for the green
a five iron - cheap - I'm in
a hole in one! 
If money be a sin
Then the green is won

Poem Details | by James Horn |
Categories: golf,

Legacy of Arnold Palmer Limerick

Legacy of Arnold Palmer

What a great golfer he had been
At or below par hitting ball in
Always something about Arnold Palmer
You played more steady and were calmer
On day in heaven will see him again.

Jim Horn

Poem Details | by Cecilia Macfarlane |
Categories: funny, sports,

Dick's Club

Dick was a guy with a suave golf club
Who only used it to eat his grub
Sportsman he portrayed
Golf he should have played
For now he cannot fit in his tub

Craig's contest

Poem Details | by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: animal, giggle, golf,

Par For the Course - a Bit Bawdy

There is a golfer from Lima, Peru
        On each of his balls, a llama tattooed
          Up and down his scores jump
          Like a llama's big hump
        As soon as his fans cheer, they have to boo

Poem Details | by Elton Camp |
Categories: funny,

The Golf Practice

The Golf Practice

By Elton Camp 

Sue hit the ball with a mighty swing 

Didn’t know problems it would bring 

Although Ms Sue had called out “Fore,”

It crashed through a window next door

The owner yelled at her, “Stupid thing.”

Poem Details | by Duke Beaufort |
Categories: satire, work

The Golf Swinger

National Enquirer’s the source
When a Tiger’s balls go off course
A scorecard obscene
Of links far from the green
That just might be cause for divorce

Poem Details | by David Fisher |
Categories: funny, games, golf,

Desert Golfing

When playing desert golf I parch easy
Which then means I don’t get pars easy
So when I am done
I hide from the sun
And play eighteen whole games of Parcheesi

Poem Details | by Barbara Gorelick |
Categories: funny, sports,

For the Love of Golf

As poor Bob left  to play the short nine
His nagging old wife began to whine
"Its golf or its me!"
"With that I agree!"
His lawyer told her just where to sign....


Poem Details | by Seren Roberts |
Categories: funny,

Mickey and Minnie

In a bunker having his way
When a golf ball took his breath away
Got struck on the head
Minnie groaned and said
Mick is this what they call fore play

Penned April 5 2013

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: age,

A Glass We Raise

Visited my 90 year old brother-in-law yesterday Puts me to shame, good for at least another ten I'd say Golf he still plays Still a joker I'd say To this amazing creature, a glass we raise © Jack Ellison 2016

Poem Details | by James Study |
Categories: fun, golf, sports,

A Golf Tale

Into the ground the ball on tee I push
With a mighty swing the club went whoosh
This I will share
The ball still there
But my club did sail into the bush

Poem Details | by David De La Croes |
Categories: humorous,

Golf Limerick

The was a young golfer whose mother
Constantly around him would flutter.
All over each green,
Her antics were seen,
Until he thumped her with his putter!

2 April 2013.

Poem Details | by Charles Clive |
Categories: sports,

Formal Request

They all heard him say in Calcutta, addressing the ball, with his putter, "Before we begin, I'd quite like to win, so please, pop it in," he would mutter. ~
For Craig's 'Golf Limerick' Competition.

Poem Details | by Robert L. Hinshaw |
Categories: golf, humorous, war,

What Did You Do In the War, Daddy

"What did you do in the big war, Daddy?"

   (Is often asked by a soldier's laddie.)

      "I'm proud you asked me that son;

         I packed a golf bag and gun,

           Since I was the Gen'ral's guard and caddy!"