Limerick Poems About Donkey | Donkey Limerick Poems
Poem Details | by John Williams |
Categories: humorous,

Wandering Turk

A Turk living in old Istanbul
Drank raki until he was full,
He tried riding home on his donkey
But his steering was wonky , 
He somehow ended up in Kabul.

Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other donkey Poems."

Poem Details | by Sidney Hall Mad Poet |
Categories: funny

Mutated Daughter

There was an old man named Lawter
He mutated an onion, a donkey and his daughter
The experiment went well
As you can tell
She now has an ass that make your eyes water

© 2000

Poem Details | by Anna Makoujy |
Categories: funny,

Dancing To the Tune of the Donkey

The once was a lass with no class.
She was the world's biggest horse's ass.
Yet the irony remains,
that the girl with all the brains, 
listened to the lass with no class.

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: humorous,

Too Many Buttons To Push

TOO MANY BUTTONS TO PUSH There's too many buttons to push each day But there's one in particular, like a donkey I bray I scream out yee haw Sometimes get lockjaw I'm totally scrambled like an egg soufflé © Jack Ellison 2015
(Inspired by The Wulfman)

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: humorous, pain,

Dental Drama

A tiger tooth puller named Keith Growled, Donkey I must check your teeth Donkey started to bray Saying, "Don’t block my way I’m needing urgent pain relief"!

Poem Details | by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: animal, giggle, humor, uplifting, voice, word play, world,

The Donkey vs The Tiger

Hold on to your many stripes Before you blow out your pipes I can hear you loud and clear Stop acting so cavalier Cool off then ride on one of the bikes

Poem Details | by Mark Koplin |
Categories: humor,

Eye To Eye

There's a stare down at the brook, eye to eye Tiger roared, "MOVE." Donkey did not comply One hee-haw from the ass The Bengal let him pass And kept on running til he reached Mumbai

Poem Details | by Jack Horne |
Categories: silly,

At the Zoo - very crude

He heard that the zoo was for sale;
a donkey and tiger he'd 'nail':
'I want' - to the lass -
'your pussy and ass!'
(And that's why he's banged up in jail...)

Poem Details | by Terry Miller |
Categories: humorous,

Bengal Buffet

One day, a tiger and a donkey meet.
Said donkey, if I say you’re rather sweet;
Sir, will you let me pass?
Oh no, you silly ass,
I’m hungry, and it’s you I mean to eat!

Poem Details | by Rajat Kanti Chakrabarty |
Categories: fun,


She dined with a donkey,
And slept with a monkey;
Got up before dawn,
Gave birth to a son,
The matter was funky.

Poem Details | by Mark Toney |
Categories: conflict, fantasy, nature, tiger,

Crouching Tiger Ridden Donkey

A donkey and his rider were attacked
By tigers leaving no time to react
Donkey said to tiger “Chill …”
Tiger growled saying “I will,”
“You’ll bring us riders daily per our pact!”

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: fun,

Fun With English 4

Ad for donkey rides in Thailand, “Ride your own ass” Wondered what that would be like, sounds like a gas Guess it's quite possible But jeans need to be washable Now I ask you whatcha think, I'm gonna take a pass

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: animal,

Donkey VS Tiger

Donkey went to a small stream one day,
but a tiger stood right in his way.
Tiger roared and then fled.
Donkey filled him with dread
when he let out a bellowing bray!

Poem Details | by Craig Munn |
Categories: family,

The Donkey

There once was a donkey named Jake
Who happened to be afraid of snakes
He see one one day
While eating some hay
And it was a leg that poor donkey would break

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: allusion,

A Guy Named Flo

Set em up Joe, got a little story your mind it will blow Bout a chick and her beau, making out in the snow Got stuck till spring Warmth unstuck their things Had sixty-eight kids and a donkey they named “Flo”!!!

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: fun,

A Flame About Bum High

D'ya know what burns this guy's ass (donkey) A flame about bum high sometimes ignites the gas An explosion follows closely The odor is quite grossly For creativeness, I go to the head of the class

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: celebration,


Set em up Joe, got a little story your mind it will blow Bout a chick and her beau, making out in the blinding snow Got stuck till spring Warmth unstuck their things Had sixty-eight kids and a donkey they named “Nomo”!!!

Poem Details | by Reason A. Poteet |
Categories: 11th grade, animal, tiger,

Tactical Foot

There once was a young tiger named Roar
this bold greeting he gave to Eeyore...
     "Hey you, shove out the way;
     I got no taste for gray."
With one swift kick, donkey mopped the floor

Poem Details | by Denis Bruce |
Categories: anger, silly,

Sting in the tale

There once was a donkey from Delhi 
Who dared call a tiger's breath smelly
Tiger  roared out in great rage
Which donkey could not assuage
And ended  up in tiger's belly

Poem Details | by Jim Healey |
Categories: anti bullying, humor,

The Tiger and the Donkey - A Fable for Our Time

The tiger growled "You shall not pass!"
The donkey said "Come onDon't be so crass.
I'm just here for a drink
and if you really think
you can stop me, I'll just kick your dumb a**!"

Poem Details | by Crystol Woods |
Categories: humor, silly, tiger,

Dentist Donkey

Came Tiger with sore, rotten teeth To Doc Donkey to get some relief “Smells like you've had treats, Just what did you eat?” Numbed Tiger said, “Ath, juth a pieth”

Poem Details | by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, animal,

Donkey Mule Sidekick and Ass

A donkey, mule, sidekick and ass
Are they the same or does one have more class?
I wish I knew
It makes me blue
Whatever the answer, please let them pass.

Poem Details | by Daisy Ward |
Categories: animal,

Stubborn Donkey

The stubborn donkey wouldn’t move
Firecrackers were thrown at his groove
He bucked wildly around
All over the town
His disposition suddenly improve

Poem Details | by Joseph May |
Categories: animal,

Paper Tiger

 The tiger growled, puffing its chest
 Yet the donkey didn't seem stressed
 Tiger said, " your bones I'll chew
 and make a meal out of you
 But the donkey was unimpressed

Poem Details | by Malabika Ray Choudhury |
Categories: friendship, humorous,

Why Not Be Friends

Thirsty Donkey went to the flowing stream,
Shocked to find a tiger, about to scream.
"We are friends, both need a drink",
Tiger said "calm down and think,
Not being enemies, let's be a team".