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Limerick Poems About Depression
Poem Details | by
Pat Adams |
character, crazy, depression, humor,
Once there was a moth that flew up to Doctor John
He said I'm depressed, I'm a suicidal one"
Doc John said, "I'm no shrink,"
"Why stop here do you think?"
He said, "Well, I had to, because the light was on!"
Poem Details | by
Shane Cooper |
Life moves on and I stand still
So many promises I need to fulfill
Am I happy I don't know
Round in circles here I go
It's like crawling slowly up a hill
Poem Details | by
Dustin Craig |
confusion, dark, death, depression, goodbye, lonely, loss, stress, suicide,
There once was a man that was lackluster
Who's life was one giant cluster
Writes a suicide note
He slits his throat
Blank stares are all his family can muster
Poem Details | by
Verlena S. Walker |
character, christian, culture, depression, emotions, feelings, funny,
sip your coffee and smoke cigar
you the ass holy and mob boss
catholic faith noth
protestants’ hybrid
StJohn the Baptist spurious
Poem Details | by
Sean Fahrnebruch |
dark, death, depression, happy, journey, spring, write,
To die before you die is worse then death itself.
Time doesn’t stop as you are sprung backwards.
Now you have to climb forward
Desperately yearning to revert to your normal self.
Desperately wanting something to spring you back to where you were, happy.
Poem Details | by
Nitesh Aggarwal |
angst, confusion, depression, introspection, life, on work and working, school
It’s been eight years, and it still feels the same
As it was then, I seem to have no aim
Peer pressure
That of a fresher
Searching for my own claim to fame.
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
fun, health,
Pills, pills, marvellous pills
They cure everything, except manage our bills
Pills for depression
Pills for obsession
Too bad their ain't one for being over the hill
© Jack Ellison 2015
Poem Details | by
Black Eyed Susan |
depression, health, loss, peace,
A bad day at the 7-11
The cola slurpee's not working again!
I don't want cherry,
Grape, or strawberry -
Only cola gives me that peace-like zen!
Poem Details | by
Jack Horne |
There was an old lady of Looe,
who painted a toilet in glue,
and it drove her insane
as she stuck to the drain,
inhaling the smell of her poo.
For PD's contest (old poem)
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
Humour is sometimes used to cover up sadness
To deal with events that interfere with our gladness
Our body's defence
To protect us against
Depression when it bombards us with blackness
© Jack Ellison 2015
Poem Details | by
Md Shahadat Hossain |
anger, beautiful, beauty, blessing, depression,
There is a forest named Shundarban,
It's not similar to the forest of Bandarban
It's famous for Royal Bengal Tiger,
It's also famous for deer
It's time to save our Shundarban.
Poem Details | by
Mark Goodson |
childhood, death, depression, family, life, loss, sad,
When I was a child of nine
I thought I had all the time
Time to live and be happy
Time to fish with my pappy
But death had crossed the line
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
The after Christmas “let down” is upon us
All the hype is over, back to life's regular stuff
Let's keep it alive
Let happiness survive
We can do it no matter how difficult or tough
© Jack Ellison 2015
Poem Details | by
Duke Beaufort |
The White House is on a great lot
It's Washington's drive to it spot
But guards only train
That terror's to contain
So mentally ill there get shot
Author's note: The new treatment for postpartum depression is now a firing squad.
Poem Details | by
Dustin Craig |
depression, life, lonely, pain, people, sad, sorrow,
There once was this girl who was pretty
Who resided in New York City
Got mugged Friday night
Weak attempt at a fight
Life as a harlot is such a pity
Poem Details | by
Abdulhafeez Oyewole |
adventure, depression, devotion, lonely, sympathy, time, peace, peace,
When I look around..I See that It's abound
Whatever it Is..It wants Peace
Peace of mind..An everlastingly Bind
No racketeering..It isn't Blind
It Sees More than what you see.
Poem Details | by
Steven Johnstone |
age, depression, psychological,
I am a giant; Piercing the clouds
Entering orbit, outsizing the sounds
I am a giant, high so high,
Everytime i begin to fly
I'm off on the run, off on the run,
An average man so close to the sun.
Am i a giant or just living a lie?
An average man, high, so high.
Poem Details | by
Jack Horne |
There once was a granny called Vi,
With dentures, peg leg and glass eye.
Many photos I’d seen,
And expected a teen -
Who says that the camera can’t lie?
Poem Details | by
Danyel Lara |
When i look into your eyes
I see nothing but lies
Have you any clue?
The pain you have put me through
My heart beats its last beat and slowly dies
Poem Details | by
Syamala Tadigadapa |
depression, devotion, faith, prayer,
May I humbly say a word
Why you make my life so hard
Though I pray for your mercy
Never you send returns I see
Is it not quite unfair my Lord
Poem Details | by
Daniel Cwiak |
depression, history, loss, sports
Oh, the team that has brought so many cheers
to the fans who followed them o'er the years
"Losable Lovers"
of Windy City fame
Generations of heartaches and tears.
Poem Details | by
Michelle Faulkner |
depression, longing, missing, nature, rain, snow,
This winter has brought unrelenting gray
Unlit gray sky is all I've seen for days
Gray snow a relief
From gray rain's dank grief
Hurry, springtime - make the gray go away!
for Same Word Winter Limerick contest
Sponsor: charles messina
Poem Details | by
Eve Roper |
Lovely Jen a poetic romantic
A mask she hated with the pandemic
Rhinestone, pearls, a smiley face
She decorated the lace
Her boyfriend though she was kind of manic.
A Funny Limerick - Any Theme Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Tania Kitchin
Poem Details | by
Thane Kerric |
corruption, depression, lost love, love, truth,
Love is so sweet
when two people meet
when an option of divorce
comes in by force
that love is in defeat
Poem Details | by
Sidney Hall Mad Poet |
inspirational, life, people, philosophy
The world can bring on a hell of a depression
You feel like you’re in an oppression
So I’d rather make you laugh
Even for a minute or a half
To disconnect you from realities connection