Limerick Poems About Death | Death Limerick Poems
Poem Details | by Bill Baker |
Categories: adventure, car, crazy, fun, race, sports, world,

Gumball Rally

We entered the Gumball Rally
My driver was “Backstreets” Tally
With his crazy fast car
We still couldn’t get far
Bad math, no gas, in Death Valley

Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other death Poems."

Poem Details | by Ralph Taylor |
Categories: funny

The Foreign Diplomat

While campaigning among South American civilians 

he got news of the death of three Brazilians

        He said he was vexed
        then he asked quite perplexed

just how many is a brazillion?

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: fun,

Let's Eat Grandma

Let's eat Grandma..OR let's eat, Grandma Punctuation saves lives because of a comma So very small But stands so tall The difference of life and death for Mom's Momma

Poem Details | by James Horn |
Categories: allegory, analogy,

Nearly Dearly and Still Sincerely

Nearly Dearly and Still Sincerely

Was almost sudden true love nearly,
Yet still to death did love her dearly,
Then in a grove,
Found treasure trove,
Simply, apparently and so sincerely.

Jim Horn

Poem Details | by Kelly Deschler |
Categories: death, friend, heartbroken, lonely, loss, remember, sad,

Broken Hearted - Jtap

Our friendship here had only just started
then you left me alone, broken hearted
you're gone but not forgotten
now life it seems so rotten
ever since the sad day you departed.

We miss you, Chan :)

This was my sadder take on the "poet who broke my heart" contest theme.

Poem Details | by Gert W. Knop |
Categories: death

The Chap of the Zoo

There was once a chap of a zoological crew
And he got always plenty to do
One day he was prey
Nothing else more to say
So ended the fellow's life in the zoo

Poem Details | by Lim'Rik Flats |
Categories: life,

Nearing the Finish Line

As the might-have-beens get smaller
And the what-the-hecks get taller
Life gets sweeter.
What a beater,
Death looms, but ya wanna stall'er

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: clothes, death, irony, snow,

As I Was Walking In the Snow

When out walking it started to snow I’d forgotten to take my chapeau With nothing on my head Got frozen, soon lay dead Hypothermia killed me you know! As I was out walking in the snow contest Sponsored by Kevin shaw Dark humour for the contest 2/16/18

Poem Details | by Terry Flood |
Categories: death, humorous,

Waiting For God: Oh

At my breakfast table, a ghost Has just opened all of my post What’s his caper That’s my paper He’s now got his teeth in my toast

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: silly,

A Recent Discovery

“I'll follow you to the ends of the earth” is a very old line But recently, they've discovered earth is round, will take a long time Sounds good on paper But methinks this caper Could mean death crossing by dinghy the ocean brine

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: death, health,

No Account People

A pandemic common occurrence:
Losing one's job and health insurance!
The hospital count*
Continues to mount
Morticians wonder who is the dunce?

* People without an income nor
health insurance die at home or in the
street, not in hospitals!

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: humor,

Tombstone Inscriptions

One of the best inscriptions, ”I Told You I Was Sick” Another was “I Was Hoping For A Pyramid” I pooped a brick Even in death humor lasts When the die has been cast “Once I wasn't, then I was, now I ain't again”, that one clicked

Poem Details | by Duke Beaufort |
Categories: courage, death, hindi,

Last curtain call

Who knew the exact time and how
The day came for my play's final bow?
The span was compact
I ran for just one act
The encore - now as sacred cow

Poem Details | by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: crazy, death, funny, hilarious, horror, humor, humorous,

Lizzie Borden


When Lizzie (Borden) saw what she's done
Thought to herself that was so much fun
So she whack them again
And again and again
Then laughed aloud at what she's done!

Dorian Petersen Potter
Aka ladydp2000


Poem Details | by Paul Schneiter |
Categories: humor,

Pollution Solution

Smaltz loved limburger cheese with passion
A fact that turned co-workers’ noses ashen.
The stench made ill all near his breath
Notes on his locker hinted at death.
Smaltz now finds cheddar fragrantly in fashion.

Poem Details | by Vera Duggan |
Categories: age, conflict, courage, death, soldier, war,

Anzac Day

It's Anzac Day today
Or lads were sent away
To fight a war
And what the hell for
Because they had to pay

Poem Details | by Nick Bagnall |
Categories: funeral, funny

Danger - Musicians

There was an old lady from Ireland 
Who was frightened to death by a brass band
We watched with dismay
As without delay
They buried her corpse in the band stand

Contest : Slapstick Limerick Contest 
5th Place

Poem Details | by Gerard Keogh Jr. |
Categories: death, husband, lost love, satire

Ten Little Indians

You perfected your lies to an art.
You succeeded in breaking my heart.
I shed not one tear,
for the hour is near,
when arsenic will keep us apart.

Poem Details | by Euginia Liapich |
Categories: chocolate, cry, death, grief, happiness, joy, sweet,

Salty and Sweet Limerick

Is it sweet or salty or sour?
Brimming with happiness or always dour?
Prancing, living with gaiety
Or waiting for a guillotine 
Now standing forever to scour?

Poem Details | by Gail Debole |
Categories: death, funny,

Fried Pants

Written on May 17, 2012
Updated on April 17, 2017

MrPhiburn, a man who had tried
To live not by the truth, but all lies
No surprise where he went
For him, eternity was spent
Wearing pants that were
Very well fried.

Inspired by: “Liar, liar pants on fire”

Poem Details | by James Fraser |
Categories: angst, bereavement, dark, death, funeral, goodbye, grief,

The East End, Ends

It's goodbye to mad Frankie Fraser The East Ends gangster appraiser So loyal to the Kray's To his very last day One the Sixties ultimate erasures .

Poem Details | by Paul Callus |
Categories: dark, humor,

Crocodile Tears

He made her life a living hell.
Her heart immune to the death knell
She breaks down and cries
Tears spring from her eyes
Her acting days now serve her well.


Contest: Open Poetry 
Sponsor: Charlotte Puddifoot
11th July, 2015
Placed 7th

Poem Details | by Justin Time |
Categories: death, life, pain, sad, sorrow, suicide,

Death Is Good

Oh give me a rope
With a noose that is loose 
And i'll tie it up on a beam

Then give me a pill
That will give me a thrill 
And i'll end it all on a high

Death Death is the way 
For life is to sucky to play

So give me a gun
That is loaded for fun
And i'll blow my brains far away.

Poem Details | by Larry Belt |
Categories: funny

Closet Case

She looks like death on a crippled spider
Hips like an elephant, maybe wider
My friends came over and saw
My ugly mother-in-law
Next time they come they want me to hide her

Poem Details | by Debra Mundine |
Categories: health,

Stay Well

Health plans are many, take your pick
You'll need one when you get sick
give longevity a chance
cheat death of circumstance
and give your heart more time to tick.