Limerick Poems About Canoe | Canoe Limerick Poems
Poem Details | by John Williams |
Categories: funny,

Rich Lady

A very rich lady from Burbank,
Was in a canoe when it sank,
Her fur and diamonds got lost
In the watery impost,
As she dog-paddled her way to the bank.

Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other canoe Poems."

Poem Details | by Susan Viscione |
Categories: adventure


I wish to go to Katmando,

live on the beach, own a canoe,

go fishing the whole day long,

no one to tell me I'm wrong,

I hope that my wish does come true.

Poem Details | by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: america, boat, leadership, word play,

We'Ve Got the Ticket

Time for a new maritime party
Leadership bold, yet seasoned and hearty --
   Took a long time to pick it
   But we've got us the ticket --
"Tip-a-canoe" and "Right-the-Ship-Smarty"

Poem Details | by Connie Pachecho |
Categories: christmas, humor,

Santa Had a Change of Aloha

There's Santa that came to Waikiki bay
On an outrigger canoe Christmas Day
He wore a grass hula skirt
And a large Aloha shirt
His course went astray he opted to play


A Funny Santa Limerick Poetry Contest

Sponsor-Tania Kitchin


Poem Details | by Kevin Shaw |
Categories: fun, history, mystery, nonsense, riddle, silly, word play,

Marie Celeste

Marie Celeste

There once was a Man of Mystery,
Who survived an event in History.
Escaped the Marie Celeste,
In a Canoe, heading West.

As for the rest, it’s still a mystery.

Poem Details | by Richard Breese |
Categories: adventure, boat, giggle, humor, humorous, soulmate, teen love,

first date

my girlfriends dad is so nice

sold me a canoe half price

but on our first date

we got home quite late

saved by flotation device.

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: tree,

Easter Island

Rapa Nui had no trees
Not one canoe to fish the seas
No fire to cook
No shady brook
Donald Trump pay attention PLEASE!