Limerick Poems About Boxing | Boxing Limerick Poems
Poem Details | by John Freeman |
Categories: sports

Boxing Bee

Float like a butterfly sting like a bee
Dancing and prancing, “Frazer can’t hit me”
   Frazer’s punch was a killer
   Smoking hot in Manila
Refutes the Rope a dope prophet Ali!!

For Contest; My Favorite Sports_ Limerick
For and in honor of Royal Trrevino

Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other boxing Poems."

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: christmas, funny,

Boxing Day

My love loves to knit and crochet
And she does it all her own way
She knitted a scarf
As long as a wharf
Guess what I got on Christmas Day?

Poem Details | by Dale Gregory Cozart |
Categories: humor,

Boxing Mohammed

I once boxed Mohammed Ali. Then I knocked him out in Round Three. I thrust out my chest to show who was best. Said, “Yo, now who stings like a bee?” 5th Place Name Dropper Limerick Contest Sponsor: Kevin Shaw 9/14/17

Poem Details | by James Horn |
Categories: allegory, analogy,

Did Call Pennsylvania Dutch

Did Call Pennsylvania Dutch

When old while walking needed crutch
And in every room could see a hutch;
Bridges going over water
With walls on long border;
So did call all of them Pennsylvania Dutch.

Jim Horn

Trump loves building borders
and boxing all of us in.

Poem Details | by James Study |
Categories: father, life, relationship,

My Old Man

Whenever he spoke it was a shout
He charged through life like a boxing bout
He took the blows and stood
He was a tree of hardwood
But soft his voice when I would doubt

Poem Details | by Terry Flood |
Categories: sports,

Come Out Swinging

I watched my TV and I laughed
The boxing was really quite daft
They kept social distance
No punch met resistance
But one caught a cold from the draught

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: holiday,

Bach Sing Dei

After Christmas comes Boxing Day
When mum carts the rubbish away
Like one of the boys
Dad plays with our toys
Day is done; what more can I say?

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: boxing day ,

Box In Day

You've got to hand it to Millie
She knows what makes men act silly!
Just ask Uncle Fred
Who took her to bed
Where she circum-sighed his willie!

Poem Details | by Mbj Pancras |
Categories: age, allegory, boxing day , conflict, confusion, crazy, destiny,

Loose Talk

Gin wants Bin to play fun with Glen,
But Sen seeks a round bun to free the hen
Couched in the palms of Ren who blinks his brown eyes,
And all the men break the glass they have,
And walk away with a loose talk
That they never talk anything but loose talk.

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: boxing day ,

The American Boxing Day

The American Boxing Day
Is one where the retailers pay
For unwanted gifts
Received from spendthrifts
They can't possibly give away

Poem Details | by Shirley Hawkins |
Categories: 10th grade,


My word, what a dreadful sight,
A boxer lost a prestigious fight,
His nose was a flood,
With masses of blood,
He won't be boxing tonight!

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: hilarious,

Kick Boxing Is Fun

Kick boxing can be fun except for the rules No kicks below the belt in a man's precious jewels You may get a warning When one ends up wailing And cursing like a trooper with naughty looks so cruel

Poem Details | by George Ojuku Momoh |
Categories: 4th grade, africa, art, black african american, boxing day ,

I Want To Fly

I want to fly
To the high hill of a mile
Where even the sun can't find me,
The moon can't hide in 
Somewhere very close to the sky

Poem Details | by Randy Freie |
Categories: boxing day ,

Punch Drunk

He should never have stepped in the ring

Because he had no talent to bring 

Even though he battled

His brain just got rattled 

And now he can't remember a thing