Limerick Poems About Bee | Bee Limerick Poems
Poem Details | by Richard Breese |
Categories: abuse, anti bullying, flower, funny, garden, hurt, summer,

sting bee

i knew a bee that could sing

it worked for a queen and king

but they preferred honey

and paid it no money

now it sings backup for sting.

Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other bee Poems."

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: body, humorous, insect,


A nudist whose first name was Billy Got stung by a bee on his willy It swelled to a great size One he couldn’t disguise So he hid by a meadow lily 03~08~17

Poem Details | by Robert L. Hinshaw |
Categories: funny

Stingless Bees

I think that I shall never see

     A quiltin' bee or spellin' bee

          A-skitterin' to and fro

               But 'tis better yet to know

                    This species won't be stingin' me

Robert LHinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
© All Rights Reserved

Poem Details | by Valsa George |
Categories: betrayal, fate, insect,

Pricked Everywhere

A fat man while clambering up a tree To pluck pears was stung by a swarm of bee Alas! With a heavy thud, He landed in the dry mud Bees stung on his limp prick and he couldn’t flee!

Poem Details | by Vince Suzadail Jr. |
Categories: funny


On a summer day so hot and sunny
I watched a bee in a hive make honey
And as I went to pass 
He stung me in the grass (fooled you, didn’t I)
And I said hey man, that isn’t funny

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: funny,

Macho Bee and Lady Bird's Jungle Fever

Macho Bee had a really big stinger.
Lady Bird, when aroused, was a singer.
When they heard her loud COO,
all the wood creatures knew
that first date must have been a humdinger!

For Line Gauthier's Bite Size Poem No.10 Poetry Contest

Poem Details | by John Freeman |
Categories: sports

Boxing Bee

Float like a butterfly sting like a bee
Dancing and prancing, “Frazer can’t hit me”
   Frazer’s punch was a killer
   Smoking hot in Manila
Refutes the Rope a dope prophet Ali!!

For Contest; My Favorite Sports_ Limerick
For and in honor of Royal Trrevino

Poem Details | by Sharon Tideswell |
Categories: funny

I Am Buttercup

I am Buttercup, swaying in breeze
Ah Ah Choo! Something's making me sneeze.
Just hold I see
It's that darn Busy Bee
And he's swapping my pollen for fleas.

for 'Are you Bugged'...and in response to James Fraser's 'Pollen Calling'

Poem Details | by Sean Kelly |
Categories: funny,

Birds and Bees

Said a bee to a bird , we can't fail ,

 With your sweet sexy song , bang-in-scale

 When I'm lovin' you..please

 Don't fart , belch or sneeze

 'Cause there might be a sting in the tail

Sean Kelly

Poem Details | by Paul Schneiter |
Categories: humor,

Sex Change

There was a gigolo who swallowed a bee
It pained him from stomach to knee.
But with a shout and curse
He saw things get worse.
It buzzed him from a he to a she.

Poem Details | by Gerard Keogh Jr. |
Categories: animals, funny, imagination

I Also Envy Your Travelers' Miles, Mr. Bumblebee.

Buzzing bee, keep the sun in your sights,
packing nectar down snug in your tights.
So adroit at your task
that I just had to ask:
" Is that dinner on all of your flights?"

Poem Details | by Funom Makama |
Categories: life,

Decisions Always Before Actions

Mistake can’t cause a fetch of honey from a busy bee hive
ridiculous is an instant transit from sleep to a sea-dive
a decision lands one in distant Germany
or a palace of whores despite how many
don’t blame the devil after having the satisfaction live.

Poem Details | by Ako Henshaw |
Categories: boyfriend,

A Kiss In the Dark

Blinded and saving the love talk in the dark
In a sensuous connection came a spark
An active mind bee-lined for a kiss
Shilly-shally bemused as lass remarks
Lips to nose in a clear view face, turns dark.

Poem Details | by Desiree M |
Categories: animals

The Bee and the Wasp

A curious bee and a silly wasp were stuck in a cup of pee
The two insects begged the old man to set them free
“I don’t want to die” cried the poor pathetic bee
The ridiculous wasp said “I am trying to flee, help!”
Hours later, two tiny poos were floating in the acidic pee

Poem Details | by Paul Schneiter |
Categories: humor,


There was a lady from Connet
Who got a bee in her bonnet.
She untied the string
To be rid of the thing
But her mouth opened upon it.

Poem Details | by Joseph May |
Categories: absence, fun,


There once was a lad named Nate
Who in the spelling bee did participate
But the audience did blush
As poor Nate got flush
After failing to spell constipate

Poem Details | by Rhonda Johnson-Saunders |
Categories: dedication, family, pets, sweet, sweet,

My Old Dog, Sweet Pea

I have an old dog named Sweet Pea
More wily than sweet, you’d agree
Who runs the house?
Not me or my spouse 
No, our dog, Sweet Pea, the queen bee 

* For our little girl, Sweet Pea, after 15 years with us, she is a part of the family.

Poem Details | by Lindsay Laurie |
Categories: humor,

Bee Warned

One day when I ran out of money,
I knew where to get me free honey,
But forgetting one thing
That the owners do sting,
And black eyes from bee stings ain’t funny.

Poem Details | by Joyce Johnson |
Categories: funny

Buzzy the Bumble Bee

Buzzy the busy bumble bee
Has his sharp sting on aim at me.
"If you want my honey
Then show me your money.
Buzzy the bee does not work free."

For Carolyn's and John's bug contest

Tied for no.3

Poem Details | by Sharon Smith |
Categories: animal, children, nature,

In a Land Far Away Is a Tree

In a land far away is a tree,
In which there lives a small bee,
His continuous buzz,
Is the work that he does,
It seems like a good job to me.

Poem Details | by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: funny, humorous,

The Duchess

I sat next to the Duchess at tea. It was worse than I thought would be. A bee sat on her nose The Duchess turn'd verbose When it stung her right there but not me. Dorian Petersen Potter aka ladydp200 Copyright@2014 October.21.2014

Poem Details | by Anthony Beck |
Categories: freedom, humorous, i am,


'Tis a tree sloth that I be,
Dwelling in a tree sloth's tree.
When a worker bee
Asks what's up with me,
I say, "Sloth shall set you free."

Poem Details | by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: animals, funny

Escaping the Blob

Keep your tentacles away from me

Touching your body stings like a bee

     Pardon me, for I am on the lam

     Foot crushed by the shell of a clam 

Pray you won’t follow me as I flee

Poem Details | by Richard Breese |
Categories: anxiety, confusion, cute love, giggle, humor, humorous, silly,

bee buddy

once an odd fellow named lee

liked to converse with a bee

but once in a store

it caused an uproar

sitting to chat on his knee.

Poem Details | by Ralph Taylor |
Categories: funny

Drone Bees

The life of a Drone Bee is great.

His only function is to mate.

        I'm not being too obscene,

        but he must service the Queen

 Can't think of a happier fate.