Poem Details | by
Tania Kitchin |
angst, bullying, grief,
They protest to not be a drama queen
but just can't wait to jump into the scene
Pretending to be a friend
Verbal daggers they extend
Their true colors are now vibrantly seen
Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for
poems or see our other
angst Poems."
Poem Details | by
Tim Ryerson |
angst, humorous,
You have disregarded instructions
Thus claiming improper deductions
Send money by mail
And IF you should fail
Your paycheck will suffer reductions...
“The hardest thing in the world to understand is income tax” - Albert Einstein
Submitted for: John Freeman’s contest
Poem Details | by
Demetrios Trifiatis |
angst, humorous,
There was once a very popular site
that for years was doing everything right
but one day fell very sick
its heart almost stopped to tick
fact, that gave PoetrySoup, such a fright!
© Demetrios Trifiatis
22 July 2020
Poem Details | by
Robert Candler |
angst, desire, humorous, irony, life, lust, sorrow,
Bill stared at a cute butt going by.
Wishing he were much bolder, he sighed,
"I would give all my pay
To roll that in the hay."
But looked up to see 'she' was a guy.
Poem Details | by
Tirzah Conway |
allegory, angst, fantasy, funny, holiday, imagination,
I made myself sick with the brown bag flu,
From drinking too much of that “Mountain Dew”;
So here’s what I say,
NO drinking today;
I pray this never happens to you!
Poem Details | by
James Fraser |
angst, bereavement, dark, death, funeral, goodbye, grief,
It's goodbye to mad Frankie Fraser
The East Ends gangster appraiser
So loyal to the Kray's
To his very last day
One the Sixties ultimate erasures
Poem Details | by
Faye Gibson |
america, angst, political,
Pandemonium threatens the land
we woke up and it's not Disneyland.
Congress can't make a plan,
they're just kicking the can
Down the road; we are all on quicksand.
Copyright, November 16, 2014
Faye Lanham Gibson
Poem Details | by
John Posey |
Once a proud poet named John
Entered a contest and won
But words he wrote down
Caused many to frown
Now John is completely withdrawn
Poem Details | by
Kim Merryman |
angst, funny,
I went to the dentist today,
And the fee that I had to pay,
For one little tooth,
Was highly uncouth.
It's highway robbery, I say!
Poem Details | by
Vera Duggan |
angst, children, conflict, corruption,
Act of cruelty
I believe that an act of cruelty
Is to take away child’s security
So let it be said
When two people wed
Make sure it’s a certain surety.
18 April 2014 @ 0815hrs
Poem Details | by
Black Eyed Susan |
I always was a fool for you
Eating your lies with a silver spoon
Now I’m on a diet
But you still try it
Gagging me with a new ruse
Poem Details | by
Tirzah Conway |
angst, funny, life
Time to curl up with a bottle of wine,
I’m not going to share, this bottle is mine;
If you want a drink,
There’s more by the sink;
And I don’t want to hear anyone whine!
~For the Bottle of wine, (fruit of the vine, when.......) Contest~
Poem Details | by
Carolyn Devonshire |
Don’t forget the insect repellent
Mosquitoes can cause such discontent
These bugs make me itch
Watch me swat and twitch
The cost of “Off” is money well spent
Written April 3, 2014
Poem Details | by
Earle Brown |
Republican fountain flows black
on blue seas metamorphic rock,
draining the earth’s core dry.
Greed streams while oceans cry.
The sea is sick but I’m shell shocked.
Poem Details | by
Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen |
angst, fantasy, funny,
One dollar buys a million dollar dream.
Lotteries excite thoughts of esteem.
One day I bought a ticket,
My angst began to fidget.
Until I screamed; then went to redeem!
Poem Details | by
Gerard Keogh Jr. |
angst, on work and working, parody
They assure you when they take your case
they will put your world right back in place.
So you shoulder the cost,
then they tell you: "We lost."
with such touching dismay on their face.
Poem Details | by
Gerard Keogh Jr. |
angst, hope, people, sports
First he slinks off the field with a miss,
so forlorn, then the chance to do this.
Will we boo him to shame?
Will we drink to his name?
The ball is downThe kick is up! The kick is...
Poem Details | by
Nitesh Aggarwal |
angst, confusion, depression, introspection, life, on work and working, school
It’s been eight years, and it still feels the same
As it was then, I seem to have no aim
Peer pressure
That of a fresher
Searching for my own claim to fame.
Poem Details | by
Nitesh Aggarwal |
angst, family, funny, girlfriend-boyfriend, husband, love, romance, wedding, wife
Just out of college, we would yearn for a touch
Sleeping together cuddled on the couch
Those were the days!
Of pre-wedding bouquets
Now I am told to go sleep alone on the couch
Poem Details | by
Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen |
angst, funny, life
What will their eternity win?
Greed, as a vice makes some men grin.
Money is their God.
Poor folks bear guffawed.
Then games bring a different kingpin!
© June 1, 2011
Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen
Poem Details | by
Barbara Gorelick |
angst, funny
I bravely went Xmas shopping at the mall
Took my plastic, trying to buy gifts for all
I started to sigh
then began to cry
Ill be paying for this junk until next fall...
For Carolyn's contest
Poem Details | by
Elton Camp |
Time Is the Fire in Which We All Burn
By Elton Camp
One day, Sue gave an anguished scream
How it all happened, she couldn’t dream
Hair unruly, breasts did sag
Her dress was a rag
“I once was on the cheerleader team!”
Poem Details | by
Jeffry Cohan |
angst, health,
there once was a beach in beleze
upon which a girl begged me "please"
so i put my hand
where nature had planned
and that's how i got this disease
(c) copy write PHREEPOETREE ~free cee!~
Poem Details | by
Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen |
angst, animals
There once was a drifting skydiver.
He looked down below with grave terror.
He was falling in a tarn.
At an alligator farm –
So he prayed, then he ran on the water!
© July 11, 2010
Dane Smith-Johnsen
Poem Details | by
Gerard Keogh Jr. |
angst, forgiveness, girlfriend-boyfriend
" I am sorry!" as I told you before.
You keep saying that I must do more.
Should I break down and cry?
Should I curl up and die?
Either way- you still walk out the door.